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  1. Cervical cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Zimbabwe; however; access to screening and treatment services remain challenged. The objective of this study was to investigate socio-demogr...

    Authors: O. Tapera, W. Kadzatsa, A. M. Nyakabau, W. Mavhu, G. Dreyer, B. Stray-Pedersen and Hendricks SJH
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:428
  2. Indoor air pollution, including fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO), is a major risk factor for pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Biomass-burning cookstoves are major contributors to ...

    Authors: Anne M. Weaver, Emily S. Gurley, Christina Crabtree-Ide, Henrik Salje, Eun-Hye Yoo, Lina Mu, Nasrin Akter and Pavani K. Ram
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:425
  3. This paper investigates the relationship between psychological health and quality of life (QOL) of people affected by leprosy (PAL) living in a community in Guangdong province, China.

    Authors: Mingzhou Xiong, Xiaohua Wang, Ting Su, Bin Yang, Ming Li and Daocheng Zheng
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:424
  4. Screening of houses to prevent mosquito entry is increasingly being recommended as an effective and practical method against malaria transmission through reduced human-mosquito contact. The objective of the st...

    Authors: Peter Njoroge Ng’ang’a, James Mutunga, George Oliech and Clifford Maina Mutero
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:423
  5. The number of partners providing informal care for their chronically ill spouse is rising, and they describe their daily life as demanding. The aim of this paper was to describe the partners’ experiences of li...

    Authors: Elisabet Eriksson, Maria Wejåker, Anna Danhard, Annika Nilsson and Marja-Leena Kristofferzon
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:422
  6. There has been a limited recognition of hypertension and diabetes in China which has compromised optimal treatment. It is not clear if a screening program implemented by a national health survey has improved a...

    Authors: Chihua Li and L. H. Lumey
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:421
  7. Some studies in Western countries have suggested that education and income are differentially associated with different drinking patterns. This study aimed to examine the associations of education and income w...

    Authors: Keiko Murakami and Hideki Hashimoto
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:420
  8. Early childhood is a crucial time to foster healthy eating and physical activity (PA) habits, which are critical for optimal child health, growth and development. Child care facilities are important settings t...

    Authors: Patricia Markham Risica, Alison Tovar, Vanessa Palomo, Laura Dionne, Noereem Mena, Kate Magid, Diane Stanton Ward and Kim M. Gans
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:419
  9. Past research has shown that individuals who have had experiences of out-of-home care (OHC) in childhood have increased risks of premature mortality. Prior studies also suggest that these individuals are more ...

    Authors: Ylva B. Almquist and Lars Brännström
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:418
  10. Although physical activity (PA) integrated in schools’ classrooms have shown a positive effect on children’s behaviors, its effectiveness on cognitive functions, PA levels and other health variables remains un...

    Authors: Mairena Sánchez-López, Abel Ruiz-Hermosa, Andrés Redondo-Tébar, María Eugenia Visier-Alfonso, Estela Jimenez-López, Maria Martínez-Andres, Montse Solera-Martínez, Alba Soriano-Cano and Vicente Martínez-Vizcaíno
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:417
  11. Most Finnish adolescents are not sufficiently physically active. Health education (HE) provides beneficial starting point for physical activity (PA) promotion in schools. This study evaluates an intervention i...

    Authors: M. Aittasalo, A-M Jussila, K. Tokola, H. Sievänen, H. Vähä-Ypyä and T. Vasankari
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:415
  12. Given the importance of knowing the potential impediments and enablers for physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) in a specific population, the aim of this study was to systematically review and s...

    Authors: Nucharapon Liangruenrom, Melinda Craike, Stuart J. H. Biddle, Kanyapat Suttikasem and Zeljko Pedisic
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:414
  13. Targeting habit-development (behavioral automaticity) as part of healthy lifestyle behavior change interventions may improve the adoption and maintenance of healthful behaviors. Few studies, however, have eval...

    Authors: Heather Fritz, Wassim Tarraf, Aaron Brody and Philip Levy
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:413
  14. In Scotland a new, easier to complete bowel screening test, the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), has been introduced. This test gives more accurate information about an individual’s risk of having colorectal ...

    Authors: Robert J. C. Steele, Jayne Digby, Julie A. Chambers and Ronan E. O’Carroll
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:411
  15. India accounts for more than two-third of mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in south-east Asia. The burden is high in Karnataka, one of the largest states in southern India. There is a need for...

    Authors: Krishnamurthy Jayanna, N. Swaroop, Arin Kar, Satyanarayana Ramanaik, Manoj Kumar Pati, Ashwini Pujar, Prathibha Rai, Suresh Chitrapu, Gururaj Patil, Preeti Aggarwal, Shivla Saksena, Hemanth Madegowda, S. Rekha and H. L. Mohan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:409
  16. Early sexual intercourse (SI) may have long-lasting negative impacts on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). So far, these impacts have been studied using age for defining early SI instead of feelings about...

    Authors: Manon Rouche, Katia Castetbon, Maud Dujeu, Estelle Méroc, Thérésa Lebacq, Camille Pedroni, Christelle Senterre, Isabelle Godin and Nathalie Moreau
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:408
  17. This study aimed to investigate the validity of the Active Australia Survey across different subgroups and its responsiveness to change, as few previous studies have examined this.

    Authors: Corneel Vandelanotte, Mitch J. Duncan, Rob Stanton, Richard R. Rosenkranz, Cristina M. Caperchione, Amanda L. Rebar, Trevor N. Savage, W. Kerry Mummery and Gregory S. Kolt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:407
  18. This study explored the role of outdoor air pollution [nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2)] and indoor air quality (measured with damp or condensation and secondhand smoke exposures) at age 9 months ...

    Authors: Emily Midouhas, Theodora Kokosi and Eirini Flouri
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:406
  19. The relationship between migration and health has primarily focused on permanent migrants, although non-permanent migrants comprise a large proportion of global migrants. Non-permanent migrants may have distin...

    Authors: Karen H. Wang, Zoé M. Hendrickson, Cynthia A. Brandt and Marcella Nunez-Smith
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:405
  20. Timely and complete vaccination with multi-dose schedules is of public health importance, because an incomplete vaccination series may yield suboptimal disease protection. However, data on adherence of adults ...

    Authors: Kelly D. Johnson, Xiaoyan Lu and Dongmu Zhang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:404
  21. The hand hygiene (HH) behaviour of the general public and its effect on illnesses are issues of growing importance. Gender is associated with HH behaviour. HH efficiency is a combination of washing efficiency ...

    Authors: Lorna K. P. Suen, Zoe Y. Y. So, Simon K. W. Yeung, Kiki Y. K. Lo and Simon C. Lam
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:401
  22. Latinos are currently the largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States and have the lowest rates nationally of regular sources of primary care. The changing demographics of Latino popul...

    Authors: Abby M. Lohr, Maia Ingram, Scott C. Carvajal, Kevin Doubleday, Benjamin Aceves, Cynthia Espinoza, Floribella Redondo, Gloria Coronado, Cassalyn David and Melanie L. Bell
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:399
  23. Effective hand hygiene practice can reduce transmission of diseases such as respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and gastrointestinal infections, especially in young children. While hand hygiene has been widely...

    Authors: Ruby Biezen, Danilla Grando, Danielle Mazza and Bianca Brijnath
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:398
  24. Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutrient deficiency and the most common cause of anaemia worldwide. Because of the increased iron requirements during pregnancy, iron deficiency can lead to maternal anaem...

    Authors: See Ling Loy, Li Min Lim, Shiao-Yng Chan, Pei Ting Tan, Yen Lin Chee, Phaik Ling Quah, Jerry Kok Yen Chan, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Keith M. Godfrey, Lynette Pei-Chi Shek, Mary Foong-Fong Chong, Michael S. Kramer, Yap-Seng Chong and Claudia Chi
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:397
  25. One central goal of physical education in many countries is to empower students to be physically active throughout their lifespan. Physical activity-related health competence (PAHCO) encompasses physical, cogn...

    Authors: Stephanie Haible, Carmen Volk, Yolanda Demetriou, Oliver Höner, Ansgar Thiel, Ulrich Trautwein and Gorden Sudeck
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:396
  26. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) outcomes are adversely impacted by delay in diagnosis and treatment.

    Authors: Stellah G. Mpagama, Peter M. Mbelele, Anna M. Chongolo, Isaack A. Lekule, Johnson J. Lyimo, Gibson S. Kibiki and Scott K. Heysell
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:395
  27. Among persons living with HIV, poorer antiretroviral therapy adherence has been reported in African Americans and disproportionate mortality reported in young African American men who have sex with men (AAMSM)...

    Authors: Mark S. Dworkin, Palak Panchal, Wayne Wiebel, Robert Garofalo, Jessica E. Haberer and Antonio Jimenez
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:394
  28. Physical literacy (PL), given as a multidimensional construct, is considered a person’s capacity and commitment to a physically active lifestyle. We investigated the effect of a holistic physical exercise trai...

    Authors: Peter Holler, Johannes Jaunig, Frank-Michael Amort, Silvia Tuttner, Kathrin Hofer-Fischanger, Dietmar Wallner, Helmut Simi, Alexander Müller, Mireille Nicoline Maria van Poppel and Othmar Moser
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:393
  29. In 2014, a study in Munyenge revealed a high prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis (UGS) among pregnant women. This study investigated he prevalence and risk factors of UGS in pregnancy following scale-up o...

    Authors: Godlove Bunda Wepnje, Judith Kuoh Anchang-Kimbi, Vicky Daonyle Ndassi, Leopold Gustave Lehman and Helen Kuokuo Kimbi
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:392
  30. Persons of African and Middle-Eastern origin living in European countries have a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, accompanied by high prevalence of obesity among women but not always among men. The aim of t...

    Authors: Natalia Skogberg, Tiina Laatikainen, Eero Lilja, Annamari Lundqvist, Tommi Härkänen and Päivikki Koponen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:391
  31. Place-based factors have been implicated as root causes of socioeconomic disparities in risky health behaviors such as tobacco and alcohol use. Yet few studies examine the effects of county-level socioeconomic...

    Authors: Rita Hamad, Daniel M. Brown and Sanjay Basu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:390
  32. Preventing intimate partner violence or dating violence (DV) among adolescents is a public health priority due to its magnitude and damaging short and long-term consequences for adolescent and adult health. In...

    Authors: C. Vives-Cases, M. C. Davo-Blanes, R. Ferrer-Cascales, B. Sanz-Barbero, N. Albaladejo-Blázquez, M. Sánchez-San Segundo, M. Lillo-Crespo, N. Bowes, S. Neves, V. Mocanu, E. M. Carausu, J. Pyżalski, M. J. Forjaz, I. Chmura-Rutkowska, C. P. Vieira and C. Corradi
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:389
  33. Timing and types of complementary feeding in infancy affect nutritional status and health later in life. The present study aimed to investigate the factors associated with early introduction of complementary f...

    Authors: Lu Wang, Amy van Grieken, Laura A. van der Velde, Eline Vlasblom, Maaike Beltman, Monique P. L’Hoir, Magda M. Boere-Boonekamp and Hein Raat
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:388
  34. The demand for smoking cessation services has risen in Turkey, as smokers planning to quit reached 35% in 2012. Communication technologies are used globally to support quitters, yet their integration to health...

    Authors: Seyfi Durmaz, Isil Ergin, Raika Durusoy, Hur Hassoy, Ayhan Caliskan and Pinar Okyay
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:387
  35. It has been suggested that an increasing number of Japanese adults remain sexually inexperienced; however, no study has assessed this issue using nationally representative data.

    Authors: Cyrus Ghaznavi, Haruka Sakamoto, Daisuke Yoneoka, Shuhei Nomura, Kenji Shibuya and Peter Ueda
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:355
  36. India lacks data on the incidence of Paediatric HIV. In 2010, the Indian Council of Medical Research commissioned a task force study to estimate the paediatric HIV burden in Belgaum district, Karnataka, India....

    Authors: Rajaram Subramanian Potty, Anju Sinha, Rajeev Sethumadhavan, Shajy Isac and Reynold Washington
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:386
  37. Acute rheumatic fever in New Zealand persists and is a barometer of equity as its burden almost exclusively falls on Māori and Pacific Island populations. The primary objective of this study is to determine wh...

    Authors: John G. Oetzel, Chunhuan Lao, Michelle Morley, Kathy Penman, Maree Child, Nina Scott and Miina Karalus
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:385
  38. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infection endemic in more than ninety countries of the world. The cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a most common form of leishmaniasis and it remains to be a major public health iss...

    Authors: Zafar Rasheed, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Tarek Salem, Mohammed S. Al-Dhubaibi, Ahmad A. Al Robaee and Abdullateef A. Alzolibani
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:384
  39. In remote rural Tanzania, the rate of linkage into HIV care was estimated at 28% in 2014. This study explored facilitators and barriers to linkage to HIV care at individual/patient, health care provider, healt...

    Authors: Erica S. Sanga, Ferdinand C. Mukumbang, Adiel K. Mushi, Wondwossen Lerebo and Christina Zarowsky
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:383
  40. While acknowledged as one of social marketing’s necessities, limited reporting of segmentation exists. The current study seeks to extend segmentation drawing on all four segmentation bases within the context o...

    Authors: Anna Kitunen, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Mohammad Kadir, Abi Badejo, George Zdanowicz and Megan Price
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:382
  41. China has the largest number of cases of diabetes with a high rate of uncontrolled blood sugar. Many studies show that family members’ involvement is related to better glycemic control. However, there is a sig...

    Authors: Linqi Mao, Jun Lu, Qi Zhang, Yuxi Zhao, Gang Chen, Mei Sun, Fengshui Chang and Xiaohong Li
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:381
  42. Early initiation of sexual activity affects the sexual and reproductive health of the young population. The youth are at a high risk of risky sexual behaviours, including multiple partners and inconsistent con...

    Authors: Eskeziaw Abebe Kassahun, Abebaw Addis Gelagay, Achenef Asmamaw Muche, Amanuel Addisu Dessie and Belayneh Ayanaw Kassie
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:378

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