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Table 2 Measurement of perceived risk, perceived efficacy, obesity knowledge, and obesity prevention behaviors

From: Application of the extended parallel process model and risk perception attitude framework to obesity knowledge and obesity prevention behaviors among Korean adults


Mean (SD)

Cronbach’s α

Perceived severity



SE1. Obesity is a fatal disease

3.48 (0.88)


SE2. Obesity is a painful disease

2.72 (1.02)


SE3. I would be disappointed and shocked if I were obese

3.26 (0.923)


SE4. I think that the time and economic losses caused by obesity are substantial

3.62 (0.87)


Perceived susceptibility



SU1. Anyone can be obese

3.79 (0.83)


SU2. My family can be obese



SU3. The people around me, including my friends and colleagues, can be obese

3.80 (0.71)


Response efficacy



RE1. Prevention should be a top priority to avoid obesity

4.08 (0.67)


RE2. I think preventive behaviors against obesity are effective

4.14 (0.67)


RE3. Preventing obesity is necessary

3.67 (0.84)





SE1. I can take good care of myself to avoid becoming obese

3.47 (0.87)


SE2. I can thoroughly engage in preventive behaviors to avoid becoming obese

3.46 (0.88)


SE3. I will undergo a thorough examination to prevent obesity

3.32 (0.87)


Obesity Prevention Behavior



B1. I maintain a balanced diet by incorporating a variety of foods.

3.15 (0.82)


B2. I avoid consuming salty foods.

3.32 (0.86)


B3. I walk or engage in exercise at least five times a week, with each session lasting at least 30 min

3.66 (1.14)


B4. I make an effort to sustain a healthy weight.

3.34 (0.97)


Correct Response

Obesity Knowledge


K1. Consuming food rapidly is associated with an increased risk of obesity.


K2. Addressing obesity may elevate the risk of developing osteoporosis.


K3. Weight gain as you age is a natural and inherent aspect of the aging process.


K4. Genetics is not a determining factor in obesity.


K5. Consuming fried foods is associated with weight gain.
