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Table 2 Knowledge of medical students about monkeypox (N = 8897)

From: Evaluation of monkeypox knowledge and attitudes among Chinese medical students

Components of knowledge scale

Yes (n, %)

Uncertain (n, %)

No (n, %)

1. Monkeypox is a viral infectious disease.

8735 (98.18)

99 (1.11)

63 (0.71)

2. Monkeypox, like COVID-19, is a national class B management infectious disease.

7716 (86.73)

356 (4.00)

825 (9.27)

3. Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease.

7295 (81.99)

535 (6.01)

1067 (11.99)

4. The incubation period of monkeypox is usually 6\( \sim \)16 days, but it can also be 5\( \sim \)21 days.

7398 (83.15)

258 (2.90)

1241 (13.95)

5. Monkeypox infection requires isolation.

8357 (93.93)

194 (2.18)

346 (3.89)

6. A monkeypox vaccine has been developed.

3107 (34.90)

2925 (32.90)

2865 (32.20)

7. Monkeypox can be transmitted through food.

4442 (49.93)

2102 (23.63)

2353 (26.45)

8. Monkeypox can be transmitted through blood.

7043 (79.16)

463 (5.20)

1391 (15.63)

9. Monkeypox can be transmitted sexually, including among men who have sex with men.

6930 (77.89)

482 (5.42)

1485 (16.69)

10. Monkeypox can be transmitted from animals to humans through direct contact.

5987 (67.29)

1109 (12.46)

1801 (20.24)

11. Rash is one of the clinical manifestations of monkeypox.

7293 (81.97)

309 (3.47)

1295 (14.56)

12. Swollen lymph nodes distinguish monkeypox from chickenpox.

6339 (71.25)

430 (4.83)

2128 (23.92)

13. Avoiding contact with wild animals is an important way to prevent the further spread of monkeypox.

7280 (81.83)

520 (5.84)

1097 (12.33)

14. Avoiding contact with anyone with a rash can prevent the spread of the disease.

5959 (66.98)

1865 (20.96)

1073 (12.06)

15. Avoiding contact with any objects that have come into contact with sick people can prevent the spread of the disease.

6909 (77.66)

1073 (12.06)

915 (10.28)

16. Wearing condoms during sex is effective in preventing monkeypox infection.

4121 (46.30)

2752 (30.90)

2024 (22.70)

17. Improving monkeypox awareness and awareness of prevention and control and self-symptom monitoring are key measures to prevent monkeypox.

8262 (92.86)

115 (1.29)

520 (5.84)

Knowledge Score, M (IQR)

28 (25, 32)