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Table 1 Study objectives, outcomes and endpoints

From: An open-label randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a meningococcal serogroup B (4CMenB) vaccine on Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in gay and bisexual men: the MenGO study protocol


Outcome / Endpoint


Determine if vaccination with 4CMenB reduces the incidence of gonorrhoea

Number of N. gonorrhoeae infections at any anatomical site over 2 years, diagnosed by nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT).


Characterise humoral immune response in 4CMenB-vaccinated serum

Level and function of N. gonorrhoeae-specific antibodies.

Determine the safety and tolerability of 4CMenB in GBM aged 18–50 years

Number of SAEs reported where the cause has been determined to be related to the study treatment

Determine the uptake and feasibility of 4CMenB as a preventative strategy for gonorrhoea in GBM attending sexual health services

Number of participants consented to the trial compared to number of participants where pre-screening was performed