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Table 1 Original WSWTTC content and conversion details

From: Translating group programmes into online formats: establishing the acceptability of a parents’ sex and relationships communication serious game

Group Session

Exercise title


Conversion into game element

1: Is there more to it than the birds and the bees?

Birds and the bees and much more

Group discussion to identify topics within RS to increase parents’ understanding of breadth of SR

Not converted


Graphic representation (tree) to enable parents to visualise and track progress on the course

My job description

Small group discussion/individual work to develop a ‘job description’ for their unique role in SR communication.


Group discussion of SR vocabulary to improve parents understanding, comfort and confidence in using appropriate terminology

2: Is there a right time to talk about it?

My plan

Small group discussion and individual planning of age appropriate communication with children.

Identifying opportunities

Group discussion to identify opportunities for/increase confidence in initiating SR communication in everyday life.

3: What do I say when I’m put on the spot?


Story about children’s reaction to poor school sex education and increase parents’ understanding that ineffective communication can lead to children seeking out answers from less reliable sources.

Scenario 1: Child asks parent to explain a documentary in which lions are mating (Story replaced with TV programme to make visual and home-based).

Basket of items

Group activity: parents pick an item from a box (e.g., condoms, bullying message on social media, adult magazine) and give their reaction as if they found this in their child’s room. Objectives include developing parents’ skills and confidence in responding calmly and effectively

Scenario 2: Parent finds variety of items (e.g., sexualised magazine, social media messages) in child’s room (Box changed to virtual bedroom)

4: What do I say and will they take any notice?

Considering my message

Individual and group activity to help parents develop clear values/messages regarding SR

Scenario 3: Child asks parents about same sex relationships

Improving your communication style

Role play: parents (acting as child) ask questions to the facilitator (acting as parent) to consider the effect of both bad and good communication.

Scenario 5: Child discusses emerging feelings for someone at school (Question is asked by child rather than to facilitator)

5: Can I do this and still protect their innocence?

Risk and protection quiz

Multiple choice quiz to provide accurate information on (e.g.) adolescent sexual activity and children’s preference for parental communication.

Quiz: Quiz show rounds between scenes (Change from paper based quiz to game show format)

Advice column

Group discussion using real ‘agony aunt’ questions, the group discusses the answers given and how their responses would differ.

Scenario 4: Child asks parents why they argue. (Change from agony aunt questions to direct questions from children)

6: Can I do this without it being embarrassing?

Role play

Consolidate and practice knowledge/skills developed

Not converted

Action plan

Plan long term implementation of learning into the home