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  1. This paper explores smoking cessation participants’ perceptions of attempting weight management alongside smoking cessation within the context of a health improvement intervention implemented in Glasgow, Scotl...

    Authors: Preethi Koshy, Mhairi Mackenzie, Wilma Leslie, Mike Lean and Catherine Hankey
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:500
  2. Chinese Uygur, Kazakh, Mongolian and Han populations represent >90% of the total population of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and their genetic backgrounds, customs, culture, and food consumption are differ...

    Authors: Nanfang Li, Hongmei Wang, Zhitao Yan, Xiaoguang Yao, Jing Hong and Ling Zhou
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:499
  3. The Dutch Human Papillomavirus (HPV) catch-up vaccination program in 2009 appeared less successful than expected. We aimed to identify the most important determinants of refusing the vaccination.

    Authors: Giedre Gefenaite, Marieke Smit, Hans W Nijman, Adriana Tami, Ingrid H Drijfhout, Astrid Pascal, Maarten J Postma, Bert A Wolters, Johannes J M van Delden, Jan C Wilschut and Eelko Hak
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:498
  4. Health education interventions are generally complex. Their outcomes result from both the intervention itself and the context for which they are developed. Thus, when an intervention carried out in one context...

    Authors: Linda Cambon, Laetitia Minary, Valery Ridde and François Alla
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:497
  5. Workers with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) often experience restrictions in functioning at work and participation in employment. Strategies to maintain work productivity exist, but these interventions do not invol...

    Authors: Myrthe van Vilsteren, Cécile RL Boot, Romy Steenbeek, Dirkjan van Schaardenburg, Alexandre E Voskuyl and Johannes R Anema
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:496
  6. Bullying and victimization are widespread phenomena in childhood and can have a serious impact on well-being. Children from families with a low socioeconomic background have an increased risk of this behaviour...

    Authors: Pauline W Jansen, Marina Verlinden, Anke Dommisse-van Berkel, Cathelijne Mieloo, Jan van der Ende, René Veenstra, Frank C Verhulst, Wilma Jansen and Henning Tiemeier
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:494
  7. The increasing gender equality during the 20th century, mainly in the Nordic countries, represents a major social change. A well-established theory is that this may affect the mental health patterns of women a...

    Authors: Anna Månsdotter, Mikael Nordenmark and Anne Hammarström
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:493
  8. Improving life satisfaction (LS) and mental wellbeing (MWB) is important for better public health. Like other health issues, LS and MWB are closely related to deprivation (i.e. lack of resources). Developing p...

    Authors: Mark A Bellis, Helen Lowey, Karen Hughes, Lynn Deacon, Jude Stansfield and Clare Perkins
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:492
  9. Parents play a critical role in their children’s introduction to alcohol. A range of parenting factors have been associated with the progression to risky drinking among adolescents, and have recently formed th...

    Authors: Conor Gilligan and Kypros Kypri
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:491
  10. The Austrian diabetes disease management program (DMP) was introduced in 2007 in order to improve health care delivery for diabetics via the promotion of treatment according to guidelines. Considering the curr...

    Authors: Herwig Ostermann, Victoria Hoess and Michael Mueller
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:490
  11. Stigma and discrimination associated with mental health problems is an important public health issue, and interventions aimed at reducing exposure to stigma and discrimination can improve the lives of people w...

    Authors: Sara Evans-Lacko, Jillian London, Sarah Japhet, Nicolas Rüsch, Clare Flach, Elizabeth Corker, Claire Henderson and Graham Thornicroft
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:489
  12. In France, the rapid scale-up of buprenorphine, an opioid maintenance treatment (OMT), in primary care for drug users has led to an impressive reduction in HIV prevalence among injecting drug users (IDU) but h...

    Authors: Perrine Roux, Laurent Michel, Julien Cohen, Marion Mora, Alain Morel, Jean-Francois Aubertin, Jean-Claude Desenclos, Bruno Spire and Patrizia M Carrieri
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:488
  13. Unintentional injuries are an important cause of death in India. However, no reliable nationally representative estimates of unintentional injury deaths are available. Thus, we examined unintentional injury de...

    Authors: Jagnoor Jagnoor, Wilson Suraweera, Lisa Keay, Rebecca Q Ivers, JS Thakur and Prabhat Jha
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:487
  14. Unemployment is associated with reduced physical and psychological well-being. Perceived health is an important factor influencing health outcomes as well as successful returns to work. This study aims to dete...

    Authors: Heribert Limm, Mechthild Heinmüller, Katrin Liel, Karin Seeger, Harald Gündel, Ahmet Kimil and Peter Angerer
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:485
  15. Dental caries is the result of a complex interplay of multiple determinants which may change overtime. Therefore, periodic surveys of caries experience and redetermination of the risk indicators of the disease...

    Authors: Eleni Mamai-Homata, Vassiliki Topitsoglou, Constantine Oulis, Vasileios Margaritis and Argy Polychronopoulou
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:484
  16. Both treatment and prevention strategies are recommended by the World Health Organization for the control of malaria during pregnancy in tropical areas. The aim of this study was to assess use of a rapid diagn...

    Authors: Alexandre Manirakiza, Eugène Serdouma, Luc Salva Heredeïbona, Djibrine Djalle, Nestor Madji, Methode Moyen, Georges Soula, Alain Le Faou and Jean Delmont
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:482
  17. Folate and iron deficiency during pregnancy are risk factors for anaemia, preterm delivery, and low birth weight, and may contribute to poor neonatal health and increased maternal mortality. The World Health O...

    Authors: Olukemi Ogundipe, Cathrine Hoyo, Truls Østbye, Olola Oneko, Rachael Manongi, Rolv Terje Lie and Anne Kjersti Daltveit
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:481
  18. The prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, and is also increasing among public safety professionals like firefighters who are expected to be fit and more active. The present study ev...

    Authors: Dorothee M Baur, Costas A Christophi, Antonios J Tsismenakis, Sara A Jahnke and Stefanos N Kales
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:480
  19. In Pacific Island countries and territories, the burden of road traffic injuries and their attendant risks are considered significant but are poorly quantified. As with other low and middle-income countries, u...

    Authors: Josephine Herman, Shanthi Ameratunga and Rod Jackson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:479
  20. It is known that being on antiretroviral therapy reduces the risk of HIV transmission through sex. However it remains unknown what the absolute level of risk of transmission is in a person on ART with most rec...

    Authors: Alison Rodger, Tina Bruun, Matthew Weait, Pietro Vernazza, Simon Collins, Vicente Estrada, Jan Van Lunzen, Giulio Maria Corbelli, Fiona Lampe, Andrew Phillips and Jens Lundgren
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:296
  21. Social inequity in perinatal and maternal health is a well-documented health problem even in countries with a high level of social equality. We aimed to study whether the effect of birthplace on perinatal and ...

    Authors: Charlotte Overgaard, Morten Fenger-Grøn and Jane Sandall
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:478
  22. Increasing intakes of fruits and vegetables intake, in tandem with reducing consumption of energy-dense and nutrient poor foods and beverages are dietary priorities to prevent chronic disease. Although most ad...

    Authors: Deborah A Kerr, Christina M Pollard, Peter Howat, Edward J Delp, Mark Pickering, Katherine R Kerr, Satvinder S Dhaliwal, Iain S Pratt, Janine Wright and Carol J Boushey
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:477
  23. Few studies have examined associations between access to health care and childhood vaccine coverage in remote communities that lack motorised transport. This study assessed whether travel time to health facili...

    Authors: Yemisrach B Okwaraji, Kim Mulholland, JoannaRMArmstrong Schellenberg, Gashaw Andarge, Mengesha Admassu and Karen M Edmond
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:476
  24. Primary maternal infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus B19 (B19V), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) may result in adverse pregnancy outcomes like congenital infection or foetal loss. Women working i...

    Authors: Gini G C van Rijckevorsel, Lian P M J Bovée, Marjolein Damen, Gerard J B Sonder, Maarten F Schim van der Loeff and Anneke van den Hoek
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:475
  25. Noncommunicable diseases are an increasing health concern worldwide, but particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This study quantified and compared education- and wealth-based inequalities in the pre...

    Authors: Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, Nicole Bergen, Shanthi Mendis, Sam Harper, Emese Verdes, Anton Kunst and Somnath Chatterji
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:474
  26. Understanding the health policy formulation process over the years has focused on the content of policy to the neglect of context. This had led to several policy initiatives having a still birth or ineffective...

    Authors: Anthony Seddoh and Samuel Akortey Akor
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S10

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  27. Health care system reform is a major issue in many countries and therefore how to evaluate the effects of changes is incredibly important. This study measured residents’ satisfaction with community health care...

    Authors: Zhijian Li, Jiale Hou, Lin Lu, Shenglan Tang and Jin Ma
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S9

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  28. An increasingly number of low- and middle-income countries have developed and implemented a national policy towards universal coverage of healthcare for their citizens over the past decade. Among them is China...

    Authors: Shenglan Tang, Jingjing Tao and Henk Bekedam
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S8

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  29. One of the challenges to maintain an agenda for universal coverage and equitable health system is to develop effective structuring and management of health financing. Global experiences with different systems ...

    Authors: Hong Teck Chua and Julius Chee Ho Cheah
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S7

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  30. Thailand has achieved universal health coverage since 2002 through the implementation of the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) for 47 million of the population who were neither private sector employees nor gover...

    Authors: Supon Limwattananon, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Kanjana Tisayaticom, Tawekiat Boonyapaisarncharoen and Phusit Prakongsai
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S6

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  31. Achieving universal coverage as an objective needs to confront the reality of multiple mechanisms, with healthcare financing and provision occurring in both public and private settings. South Africa has both l...

    Authors: Alex M van den Heever
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S5

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  32. In the health systems literature one can see discussions about the trade off between the equity achievable by the system and its efficiency. Essentially it is argued that as greater health equity is achieved, ...

    Authors: Daniel D Reidpath, Anna Elisabet Olafsdottir, Subhash Pokhrel and Pascale Allotey
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12(Suppl 1):S3

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 12 Supplement 1

  33. Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a serious public health issue and is associated with significant adverse health outcomes. The current study was undertaken to: 1) explore physicians’ and nurses...

    Authors: Charlene E Beynon, Iris A Gutmanis, Leslie M Tutty, C Nadine Wathen and Harriet L MacMillan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:473
  34. Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance systems have some pitfalls outside of a National Tuberculosis Program and lack of efficient surveillance hampers accurate epidemiological quantification of TB burden.

    Authors: Lorenza Melosini, Umberto Vetrano, Federico L Dente, Michele Cristofano, Mauro Giraldi, Luciano Gabbrielli, Federica Novelli, Ferruccio Aquilini, Laura Rindi, Francesco Menichetti, Giulia Freer and Pierluigi L Paggiaro
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:472
  35. Current estimates place just under one quarter of adolescents in Australia as overweight or obese. Adolescence has been identified as a critical period for the development of obesity, yet despite this recognit...

    Authors: Leon M Straker, Kyla L Smith, Ashley A Fenner, Deborah A Kerr, Alexandra McManus, Melissa C Davis, Angela M Fielding, Tim S Olds, Martin S Hagger, Anne J Smith and Rebecca A Abbott
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:471
  36. Individuals who are sick and unable to work may receive wage replacement benefits from an insurer. For these provisions, a disability evaluation is required. This disability evaluation is criticised for lack o...

    Authors: Jessica Anner, Urban Schwegler, Regina Kunz, Bruno Trezzini and Wout de Boer
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:470
  37. Since 2005, Cambodia’s national tuberculosis programme has been conducting active case finding (ACF) with mobile radiography units, targeting household contacts of TB patients in poor and vulnerable communitie...

    Authors: Mao Tan Eang, Peou Satha, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Fukushi Morishita, Nobuyuki Nishikiori, Pieter van-Maaren and Catharina Lambregts-van Weezenbeek
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:469
  38. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a key component in U.S. tuberculosis control, assisted by recent improvements in LTBI diagnostics and therapeutic regimens. Effectiveness of LTBI therapy, h...

    Authors: Neela D Goswami, Lara Beth Gadkowski, Carla Piedrahita, Deborah Bissette, Marshall Alex Ahearn, Michela LM Blain, Truls Østbye, Jussi Saukkonen and Jason E Stout
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:468
  39. Domestic violence (DV) against women is a serious human rights abuse and well recognised global public health concern. The occurrence of DV is negatively associated with the educational level of spouses but st...

    Authors: Daniel Rapp, Beate Zoch, M Mobarak H Khan, Thorsten Pollmann and Alexander Krämer
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:467
  40. Previous studies have demonstrated links between cardiovascular disease and physical inactivity and poor air quality, which are both associated with neighborhood greenness. However, no studies have directly in...

    Authors: Gavin Pereira, Sarah Foster, Karen Martin, Hayley Christian, Bryan J Boruff, Matthew Knuiman and Billie Giles-Corti
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:466
  41. Since the completion of three clinical trials indicating that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is an effective method to reduce men’s chances of acquiring HIV, use of the procedure has been advocated...

    Authors: Charlene N Muzyka, Laura H Thompson, Andrea E Bombak, S Michelle Driedger and Robert Lorway
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:465
  42. Community food programs (CFPs), including soup kitchens and food banks, are a recent development in larger settlements in the Canadian Arctic. Our understanding of utilization of these programs is limited as f...

    Authors: James Ford, Marie-Pierre Lardeau and Will Vanderbilt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:464
  43. India has around 2.27 million adults living with HIV/AIDS who face several challenges in the medical management of their disease. Stigma, discrimination and psychosocial issues are prevalent. The objective of ...

    Authors: Bimal Charles, Lakshmanan Jeyaseelan, Arvind Kumar Pandian, Asirvatham Edwin Sam, Mani Thenmozhi and Visalakshi Jayaseelan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:463
  44. Indigenous Australians suffer substantially poorer oral health than their non-Indigenous counterparts and new approaches are needed to address these disparities. Previous work in Port Augusta, South Australia,...

    Authors: Eleanor J Parker, Gary Misan, Alwin Chong, Helen Mills, Kaye Roberts-Thomson, Alice M Horowitz and Lisa M Jamieson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2012 12:461

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