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  1. Even though the annual incidence rate of measles has dramatically decreased in industrialised countries since the implementation of universal immunisation programmes, cases continue to occur in countries where...

    Authors: Hélène Carabin, W John Edmunds, Ulla Kou, Susan van den Hof and Van Hung Nguyen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:22
  2. Occupational reaction to natural rubber latex (NRL) glove use by healthcare employees has been an area of increasing concern. Unfortunately, there is little data demonstrating the prevalence and severity of ac...

    Authors: Irwin B Horwitz, John Kammeyer-Mueller and Brian P McCall
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:21
  3. Determinants of ill-health have been studied far more than determinants of good and improving health. Health promotion measures are important even among individuals with chronic diseases. The aim of this study...

    Authors: Göran Ejlertsson, Lena Edén and Ido Leden
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:20
  4. Experimental evidences suggest an increased collagen deposition in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In particular, large amounts of collagen type I, III and V have been described and correlated to the develo...

    Authors: Ugo Cioffi, Michele M Ciulla, Matilde De Simone, Roberta Paliotti, Alberto Pierini, Fabio Magrini, Fiorenzo Botti and Ettore Contessini-Avesani
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:19
  5. Regular use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been consistently associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer and adenoma, and there is some evidence for a protective ...

    Authors: Ravi J Menezes, Kenneth R Huber, Martin C Mahoney and Kirsten B Moysich
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:18
  6. All current UK indices of socio-economic status have inherent problems, especially those used to govern resource allocation to the health sphere. The search for improved markers continues: this study proposes ...

    Authors: Norman R Beale, Gordon J Taylor and Dawn MK Straker-Cook
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:17
  7. A practice intervention must have its basis in an understanding of the physician and practice to secure its benefit and relevancy. We used a formative process to characterize primary care physician attitudes, ...

    Authors: Amy L Mirand, Gregory P Beehler, Christina L Kuo and Martin C Mahoney
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:16
  8. Self-administered computer-assisted blood donor screening strategies may elicit more accurate responses and improve the screening process.

    Authors: John W Sellors, Robert Hayward, Graham Swanson, Anita Ali, R Brian Haynes, Ronald Bourque, Karen-Ann Moore, Lynne Lohfeld, Dawn Dalby and Michelle Howard
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:14
  9. A typical purification system that provides purified water which meets ionic and organic chemical standards, must be protected from microbial proliferation to minimize cross-contamination for use in cleaning a...

    Authors: Vessoni Thereza Christina Penna, Silva Alzira Maria Martins and Priscila Gava Mazzola
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:13
  10. The main purpose of the study was to quantify the direct costs of oral cancer treatment to the healthcare system of Greece. Another aim was to identify factors that affect costs and potential cost reduction it...

    Authors: Athanasios Zavras, Nikos Andreopoulos, Nikos Katsikeris, Dimitrios Zavras, Vassiliki Cartsos and Athanasios Vamvakidis
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:12
  11. Fertilisation of land with processed sewage sludges, which often contain low levels of pathogens, endotoxins, and trace amounts of industrial and household chemicals, has become common practice in Western Euro...

    Authors: David L Lewis, David K Gattie, Marc E Novak, Susan Sanchez and Charles Pumphrey
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:11
  12. Very low birthweight, i.e. a birthweight < 1500 g, is among the strongest determinants of infant mortality and childhood morbidity. To develop primary prevention approaches to VLBW birth and its sequelae, info...

    Authors: Ingrid Grimmer, Christoph Bührer, Joachim W Dudenhausen, Andrea Stroux, Horst Reiher, Horst Halle and Michael Obladen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:10
  13. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between secondhand smoke and the risk of developing a first event of acute coronary syndromes (ACS), i.e. acute myocardial infarction or unstable an...

    Authors: Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, Christina Chrysohoou, Christos Pitsavos, Ioanna Papaioannou, John Skoumas, Christodoulos Stefanadis and Pavlos Toutouzas
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:9
  14. In the city of Chennai, India, registration of the fact of death is almost complete but the cause of death is often inadequately recorded on the death certificate. A special verbal autopsy (VA) study of 48 000...

    Authors: Vendhan Gajalakshmi, Richard Peto, Santhanakrishnan Kanaka and Sivagurunathan Balasubramanian
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:7
  15. An earthquake in the coffee growing region of Colombia on January 25, 1999 destroyed 70% of the houses in Armenia city. Transitory housing camps still remained until two years after the disaster. Parasitologic...

    Authors: Fabiana Lora-Suarez, Carolina Marin-Vasquez, Nelsy Loango, Martha Gallego, Elizabeth Torres, Maria Mercedes Gonzalez, Jhon Carlos Castaño-Osorio and Jorge Enrique Gómez-Marín
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:5
  16. The loss of participants in longitudinal studies due to non-contact, refusal or death can introduce bias into the results of such studies. The study described here examines reasons for refusal over three waves...

    Authors: Patricia A Jacomb, Anthony F Jorm, Ailsa E Korten, Helen Christensen and A Scott Henderson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:4
  17. Before 1991, the infectious diseases surveillance systems (IDSS) of the former Soviet Union (FSU) were centrally planned in Moscow. The dissolution of the FSU resulted in economic stresses on public health inf...

    Authors: Tadesse Wuhib, Terence L Chorba, Vladimir Davidiants, William R Mac Kenzie and Scott JN McNabb
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:3
  18. Because both public health surveillance and action are crucial, the authors initiated meetings at regional and national levels to assess and reform surveillance and action systems. These meetings emphasized im...

    Authors: Scott JN McNabb, Stella Chungong, Mike Ryan, Tadesse Wuhib, Peter Nsubuga, Wondi Alemu, Vilma Carande-Kulis and Guenael Rodier
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:2
  19. Race is commonly described in epidemiological surveys based on phenotypic characteristics. Training of interviewers to identify race is time-consuming and self identification of race might be difficult to inte...

    Authors: Sandra C Fuchs, Sylvia M Guimarães, Cristine Sortica, Fernanda Wainberg, Karine O Dias, Mariana Ughini, José Augusto S Castro and Flavio D Fuchs
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2002 2:1
  20. So far the prevalence of viral hepatitis infection in hospitalized patients has not been extensively studied. Therefore we conducted the present five-year observational study to evaluate the prevalence of HBV ...

    Authors: Meri Koulentaki, Maria Ergazaki, Joanna Moschandrea, Stelios Spanoudakis, Nikolaos Tzagarakis, Pandelis E Drandakis, Dimitrios A Spandidos and Elias A Kouroumalis
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:17
  21. Invasive meningococcal disease is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in the UK. Administration of chemoprophylaxis to close contacts reduces the risk of a secondary case. However, unnecessary chemo...

    Authors: Peter J Marks and Keith R Neal
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:16
  22. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a 20-year process of de-industrialization in the British Columbia (BC) sawmill industry on labour force trajectories, unemployment history, and physic...

    Authors: Aleck S Ostry, Ruth Hershler, Shona Kelly, Paul Demers, Kay Teschke and Clyde Hertzman
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:15
  23. Widespread scepticism persists on the use of the Under-Privileged Area (UPA8) score of Jarman in distributing supplementary resources to so-attributed 'deprived' UK general practices. The search for better 'ne...

    Authors: Norman Beale, Gordon Taylor and Dawn Straker-Cook
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:13
  24. In most endemic parts of the world, onchocerciasis (river blindness) control relies, or will soon rely, exclusively on mass treatment with the microfilaricide ivermectin. Worldwide eradication of the parasite ...

    Authors: William Soumbey Alley, Gerrit J van Oortmarssen, Boakye A Boatin, Nico JD Nagelkerke, Anton P Plaisier, Jan HF Remme, Janis Lazdins, Gerard JJM Borsboom and J Dik F Habbema
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:12
  25. Gaps in disease surveillance capacity, particularly for emerging infections and bioterrorist attack, highlight a need for efficient, real time identification of diseases.

    Authors: Ross Lazarus, Ken P Kleinman, Inna Dashevsky, Alfred DeMaria and Richard Platt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:9
  26. Clustered within the nomenclature of Asian American are numerous subgroups, each with their own ethnic heritage, cultural, and linguistic characteristics. An understanding of the prevailing health knowledge, a...

    Authors: Georgia R Sadler, Lisa T Ryujin, Celine Marie Ko and Emily Nguyen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:7
  27. Good prescribing practice has an important part to play in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. Whilst it was perceived that most hospitals and Health Authorities possessed an antibiotic policy, a revie...

    Authors: Philip J Wiffen and Richard T Mayon White
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:4
  28. In Brazil coronary heart disease (CHD) constitutes the most important cause of death in both sexes in all the regions of the country and interestingly, the difference between the sexes in the CHD mortality rat...

    Authors: Vera S Castanho, Letícia S Oliveira, Hildete P Pinheiro, Helena CF Oliveira and Eliana C de Faria
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:3
  29. An association between mumps-measles-rubella (MMR) vaccination and the onset of symptoms typical of autism has recently been suggested. This has led to considerable concern about the safety of the vaccine.

    Authors: Liam Smeeth, Andrew J Hall, Eric Fombonne, Laura C Rodrigues, Xiangning Huang and Peter G Smith
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2001 1:2

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