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  1. Physically inactive and sedentary lifestyles are negatively related to both mental health and cognition. For office-workers, who spend two-thirds of their workday sitting, it is important to improve these life...

    Authors: Carla F. J. Nooijen, Victoria Blom, Örjan Ekblom, Maria M. Ekblom and Lena V. Kallings
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:266
  2. It is estimated that nearly five billion people worldwide do not have access to safe surgery. This access gap disproportionately affects low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). One of the barriers to healthca...

    Authors: Carlos Varela, Sven Young, Nyengo Mkandawire, Reinou S. Groen, Leonard Banza and Asgaut Viste
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:264
  3. Rural-to-urban migration is associated with increased obesity, yet it remains unknown whether this association exist, and to what extent, with other types of internal migration.

    Authors: Hector Najera, Shailen Nandy, Rodrigo M. Carrillo-Larco and J. Jaime Miranda
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:263
  4. Diabetes prevalence is rapidly increasing, with type 2 diabetes predicted to be the leading contributor of non-communicable disease in Australia by 2020. It is anticipated that rates of type 2 diabetes will co...

    Authors: Karen Waller, Susan Furber, Adrian Bauman, Margaret Allman-Farinelli, Paul van den Dolder, Alison Hayes, Franca Facci, Lisa Franco, Alison Webb, Robert Moses and Stephen Colagiuri
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:262
  5. Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in China. Correct and consistent condom use is one of the most effective strategies for preventing the spread o...

    Authors: Hongbo Jiang, Xiaobin Chen, Jing Li, Zhimin Tan, Weibin Cheng and Yi Yang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:261
  6. Many interventions that are delivered within public health services have little evidence of effect. Evaluating interventions that are being delivered as a part of usual practice offers opportunities to improve...

    Authors: Josie Dickerson, Philippa K. Bird, Maria Bryant, Nimarta Dharni, Sally Bridges, Kathryn Willan, Sara Ahern, Abigail Dunn, Dea Nielsen, Eleonora P. Uphoff, Tracey Bywater, Claudine Bowyer-Crane, Pinki Sahota, Neil Small, Michaela Howell, Gill Thornton…
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:260
  7. Forty-three percent of children under five in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience compromised cognitive and psychosocial development. Early childhood development (ECD) interventions that promote...

    Authors: Jill E. Luoto, Italo Lopez Garcia, Frances E. Aboud, Lia C. H. Fernald and Daisy R. Singla
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:259
  8. Bariatric surgery is considered to be the most effective method of weight loss today. The aim of the present Swedish study, which was performed in a country that has universal health care, was to investigate i...

    Authors: Ensieh Memarian, Kristina Sundquist, Susanna Calling, Jan Sundquist and Xinjun Li
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:258
  9. Various physical work demands are shown to be associated with sickness absence. However, these studies have: (a) predominantly used self-reported data on physical work demands that have been shown to be inaccu...

    Authors: Sofie Dencker-Larsen, Charlotte Lund Rasmussen, Sannie Vester Thorsen, Els Clays, Thomas Lund, Merete Labriola, Ole Steen Mortensen, Marie Birk Jørgensen, Nidhi Gupta, Charlotte Diana Nørregaard Rasmussen and Andreas Holtermann
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:257
  10. While promoting active commuting to school can positively affect children’s daily physical activity levels, effectively engaging community members to maximize program impact remains challenging. We evaluated t...

    Authors: Nicole M. Rodriguez, Alisa Arce, Alice Kawaguchi, Jenna Hua, Bonnie Broderick, Sandra J. Winter and Abby C. King
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:256
  11. The StopDia study is based on the convincing scientific evidence that type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its comorbidities can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. The need for additional research is based on the fact ...

    Authors: Jussi Pihlajamäki, Reija Männikkö, Tanja Tilles-Tirkkonen, Leila Karhunen, Marjukka Kolehmainen, Ursula Schwab, Niina Lintu, Jussi Paananen, Riia Järvenpää, Marja Harjumaa, Janne Martikainen, Johanna Kohl, Kaisa Poutanen, Miikka Ermes, Pilvikki Absetz, Jaana Lindström…
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:255
  12. Limited evidence exists for intergenerational interventions to promote health and well-being in older adults and preschool children. We therefore aimed to evaluate the implementation, feasibility and outcome o...

    Authors: Erika Mosor, Karin Waldherr, Ingvild Kjeken, Maisa Omara, Valentin Ritschl, Veronika Pinter-Theiss, Josef Smolen, Ursula Hübel and Tanja Stamm
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:254
  13. Disproportionately high rates of maternal overweight and obesity among the Hispanic population before, during, and after pregnancy pose serious health concerns for both mothers (e.g., preeclampsia, gestational...

    Authors: Sydney G. O’Connor, Rima Habre, Theresa M. Bastain, Claudia M. Toledo-Corral, Frank D. Gilliland, Sandrah P. Eckel, Jane Cabison, Christine H. Naya, Shohreh F. Farzan, Daniel Chu, Thomas A. Chavez, Carrie V. Breton and Genevieve F. Dunton
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:253
  14. Responsive caregiving, or interactions in which caregivers give appropriate responses to a child’s signals, is linked to improved psychosocial, cognitive and physical outcomes in children. However, much remain...

    Authors: Elissa Scherer, Ashley Hagaman, Esther Chung, Atif Rahman, Karen O’Donnell and Joanna Maselko
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:252
  15. A sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet are major factors in the increasing prevalence of obesity among Malaysian adolescents. The purpose of this systematic review is to compile the evidence from observat...

    Authors: Shooka Mohammadi, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Tin Tin Su, Maznah Dahlui, Mohd Nahar Azmi Mohamed and Hazreen Abdul Majid
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:251
  16. The dramatic increase in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among undergraduate students in China, especially among the male students, is alarming. This study aimed to describe sexual attitudes and b...

    Authors: Hehua Xu, Jiaying Xie, Zhizi Xiao, Hong Xiao, Xianhong Li, Lloyd Goldsamt, Ann Bartley Williams and Honghong Wang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:250
  17. With limited resources and spatio-temporal heterogeneity of malaria in developing countries, it is still difficult to assess the real impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors in order to set up target...

    Authors: Toussaint Rouamba, Seydou Nakanabo-Diallo, Karim Derra, Eli Rouamba, Adama Kazienga, Yasuko Inoue, Ernest K. Ouédraogo, Moussa Waongo, Sokhna Dieng, Abdoulaye Guindo, Boukary Ouédraogo, Kankoé Lévi Sallah, Seydou Barro, Pascal Yaka, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou, Halidou Tinto…
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:249
  18. High healthcare expenditures due to population ageing and chronic complex health complaints are a challenge on a global scale. To improve the quality of healthcare, population health, and professionals’ work s...

    Authors: Sanneke J. M. Grootjans, M. M. N. Stijnen, M. E. A. L. Kroese, A. J. M. Vermeer, D. Ruwaard and M. W. J. Jansen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:248
  19. Mortality is a robust indicator of health and offers valuable insight into the health of immigrants. However, mortality estimates can vary significantly depending on the manner in which immigrant status is def...

    Authors: Luis Andrés Gimeno-Feliu, Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga, Esperanza Díaz, Clara Laguna-Berna, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Carlos Coscollar-Santaliestra and Alexandra Prados-Torres
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:247
  20. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is an underutilized cancer control practice in the United States. Although individual contextual factors are known to impact HPV vaccine coverage rates, the impact of mac...

    Authors: Melissa Franco, Stephanie Mazzucca, Margaret Padek and Ross C. Brownson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:246
  21. In the current context of climate change, climate forecasts for the province of Quebec (Canada) are a lengthening of the thunderstorm season and an increase in episodes of intense precipitations. These changes...

    Authors: Pierre Valois, Maxime Caron, Anne-Sophie Gousse-Lessard, Denis Talbot and Jean-Sébastien Renaud
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:245
  22. Wrist-worn accelerometers are increasingly used in epidemiological studies to record physical activity. The accelerometer data are usually only analyzed if the convention for compliant wear time is met (i.e. ≥...

    Authors: Raphael Knaier, Christoph Höchsmann, Denis Infanger, Timo Hinrichs and Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:244
  23. Multimorbidity can be defined as the presence of more than one chronic condition in an individual. Research on multimorbidity has predominantly focused on older adults and few studies have examined multimorbid...

    Authors: Mohammad Nazmus Sakib, Shahin Shooshtari, Philip St. John and Verena Menec
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:243
  24. Immunization is one of the most effective measures for preventing disease when vaccination coverage is sufficient. Although vaccination coverage is known to be influenced by social and cultural barriers, the d...

    Authors: Ikuma Nozaki, Masahiko Hachiya and Tomomi Kitamura
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:242
  25. Currently in Vietnam contact tracing for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) entails passive case finding among symptomatic household contacts who present themselves for diagnosis. Close contacts of MDR-...

    Authors: Thi Thanh Thuy Hoang, Viet Nhung Nguyen, Ngoc Sy Dinh, Guy Thwaites, Thu Anh Nguyen, H. Rogier van Doorn, Frank Cobelens and Heiman F. L. Wertheim
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:241
  26. Evidence suggests that the use of alcohol among older adults (defined as those aged 50+) has increased in recent years, with people aged 55–64 now more likely to exceed the recommended weekly guidelines than a...

    Authors: J. L. Seddon, S. Wadd, E. Wells, L. Elliott, I. Madoc-Jones and J. Breslin
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:240
  27. Risk factors for chronic disease, including low cardiorespiratory fitness levels (VO2max), are often present in middle-aged populations. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a motivational, individual, and locall...

    Authors: Kirstine Høj Obling, Kristian Overgaard, Lise Juul and Helle Terkildsen Maindal
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:239
  28. Active travel to and from a transit station may provide significant amounts of physical activity and improve health. The ease with which people can traverse the distance to the transit station may impede or su...

    Authors: Abiodun O. Oluyomi, Gregory Knell, Casey P. Durand, Clara Mercader, Deborah Salvo, Ipek N. Sener, Kelley Pettee Gabriel, Deanna M. Hoelscher and Harold W. Kohl
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:238
  29. Dog bites are the main source of rabies infection and death in humans, contributing up to 99% of all cases. We conducted a contact-tracing study to evaluate the health seeking and treatment compliance behavior...

    Authors: Kinley Penjor, Tenzin Tenzin and Rinzin Kinga Jamtsho
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:237
  30. Area-level deprivation is associated with multiple adverse birth outcomes. Few studies have examined the mediating pathways through which area-level deprivation affects these outcomes. The objective of this st...

    Authors: Renee Mehra, Fatma M. Shebl, Shayna D. Cunningham, Urania Magriples, Eric Barrette, Carolina Herrera, Katy B. Kozhimannil and Jeannette R. Ickovics
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:236
  31. Primary Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing is the currently recommended cervical cancer (CxCa) screening strategy by the Portuguese Society of Gynecology (SPG) clinical consensus. However, primary HPV testing...

    Authors: Angela Pista, Carlos Costa, Conceição Saldanha, José Alberto Fonseca Moutinho, José Maria Moutinho, Fernando Arrobas, Carlos Catalão and Jari Kempers
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:235
  32. Most data on mortality and prognostic factors of universal healthcare waiting lists come from North America, Australasia, and Europe, with little information from South America. We aimed to determine the relat...

    Authors: Diego A. Martinez, Haoxiang Zhang, Magdalena Bastias, Felipe Feijoo, Jeremiah Hinson, Rodrigo Martinez, Jocelyn Dunstan, Scott Levin and Diana Prieto
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:233
  33. Mental health problems have an adverse effect on the course of cardiac disease. The integration of their diagnosis and treatment into cardiology care is generally poor. It is particularly challenging in cultur...

    Authors: H. Allabadi, A. Alkaiyat, A. Alkhayyat, A. Hammoudi, H. Odeh, J. Shtayeh, M. Taha, C. Schindler, E. Zemp, S. Haj-Yahia and N. Probst-Hensch
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:232
  34. Lower household income has been consistently associated with poorer diet quality. Household food purchases may be an important intervention target to improve diet quality among low income populations. Associat...

    Authors: Simone A. French, Christy C. Tangney, Melissa M. Crane, Yamin Wang and Bradley M. Appelhans
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:231
  35. Equity-focused health impact assessment (EFHIA) can function as a framework and tool that supports users to collate data, information, and evidence related to health equity in order to identify and mitigate th...

    Authors: Ingrid Tyler, Bernie Pauly, Jenney Wang, Tobie Patterson, Ivy Bourgeault and Heather Manson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:230
  36. Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) comprise one of the largest populations of migrant workers globally. Within China, they represent the largest group of imported domestic workers. Little is known about their wo...

    Authors: Brian J. Hall, Melissa R. Garabiles and Carl A. Latkin
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:229
  37. Administrative patient registers are often used to estimate morbidity in epidemiological studies. The validity of register data is thus important. This study aims to assess the positive predictive value of myo...

    Authors: Else-Marie Dalsgaard, Daniel Rinse Witte, Morten Charles, Marit Eika Jørgensen, Torsten Lauritzen and Annelli Sandbæk
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:228
  38. Recent large-scale population data on the prevalence of asthma and its risk factors are lacking in Uganda. This survey was conducted to address this data gap.

    Authors: Bruce J. Kirenga, Corina de Jong, Winceslaus Katagira, Samuel Kasozi, Levicatus Mugenyi, Marike Boezen, Thys van der Molen and Moses R. Kamya
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:227
  39. Adolescents from rural areas in low-middle income countries face increasing physical and mental health challenges that are not well characterized or addressed due to resource limitations. We used the Global Sc...

    Authors: Randi K. Johnson, Molly Lamb, Hillary Anderson, Michelle Pieters-Arroyo, Bradley T. Anderson, Guillermo A. Bolaños and Edwin J. Asturias
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:226
  40. Digital media are increasingly abundant and used to seek health information, however, to date very little is known on parents’ seeking behavior in the context of child’s health and development outside English-...

    Authors: Rebecca Jaks, Isabel Baumann, Sibylle Juvalta and Julia Dratva
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:225
  41. NHS Health Check is a primary prevention programme offering cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment to adults in England aged 40–74. Uptake remains a challenge and invitation method is a strong predictor ...

    Authors: Christopher J. Gidlow, Naomi J. Ellis, Victoria Riley, Tim Chadborn, Amanda Bunten, Zafar Iqbal, Aliko Ahmed, Alistair Fisher, David Sugden and David Clark-Carter
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:224
  42. In China, unmarried female migrants are vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. One effective protection strategy is promoting consistent condom use (CCU).

    Authors: Qiuming Shen, Yichen Wang, Zezhou Wang, Ying Wang, Mengyun Luo, Suping Wang, Xueqin Jiang, Yinghua Yang, Yong Cai and Meili Shang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:223
  43. Existing research has documented inconsistent findings for the associations among breakfast frequency, physical activity (PA), and sedentary time in children. The primary aim of this study was to examine the a...

    Authors: Julia K. Zakrzewski-Fruer, Fiona B. Gillison, Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Emily F. Mire, Stephanie T. Broyles, Catherine M. Champagne, Jean-Philippe Chaput, Kara D. Denstel, Mikael Fogelholm, Gang Hu, Estelle V. Lambert, Carol Maher, José Maia, Tim Olds, Vincent Onywera, Olga L. Sarmiento…
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:222
  44. Health literacy and health-information seeking behaviour (HISB) play vital roles in health outcome improvements. This study examines the extent of income-related inequality in health literacy and health-inform...

    Authors: Chengxiang Tang, Xueji Wu, Xiongfei Chen, Bingying Pan and Xiaocong Yang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:221
  45. The prevalence of child malnutrition in Angola is still very high, and little is known about its associated factors. The aim of this study was to identify these factors in children under 2 years in a suburban ...

    Authors: João B. Humbwavali, Camila Giugliani, Luciana N. Nunes, Susana V. Dalcastagnê and Bruce B. Duncan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:220
  46. We used data released by the government to analyze the epidemiological distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis in mainland China from 2004 to 2015, in order to provide a deeper understanding of trends in the ep...

    Authors: Zuiyuan Guo, Dan Xiao, Xiuhong Wang, Yayu Wang and Tiecheng Yan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:219
  47. Anemia in children continues to be a major public health challenge in developing countries and particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Anemia has serious consequences on the growth and development of the children ...

    Authors: Aboubakari Nambiema, Alexie Robert and Issifou Yaya
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:215
  48. The relationship between body dissatisfaction (BD) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been well documented in adolescents and adults but is less clear in children, particularly in China. The aims o...

    Authors: Wei Liu, Rong Lin, Chongshan Guo, Lihua Xiong, Siyu Chen and Weijia Liu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:213
  49. Vitamin-D deficiency is a universal health problem caused primarily by inadequate exposure to sunlight. This study aimed to assess the vitamin D status and investigate the factors affecting vitamin D distribut...

    Authors: Karim H. Farhat, Mostafa A. Arafa, Danny M. Rabah, Hussein S. Amin and Nahla K. Ibrahim
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:211

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