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  1. In 2014, Vietnam was the first Southeast Asian country to commit to achieving the World Health Organization’s 90–90-90 global HIV targets (90% know their HIV status, 90% on sustained treatment, and 90% virally...

    Authors: Lora L. Sabin, Katherine Semrau, Mary DeSilva, Loan T T Le, Jennifer J. Beard, Davidson H. Hamer, Jordan Tuchman, Theodore M. Hammett, Nafisa Halim, Manisha Reuben, Aldina Mesic and Taryn Vian
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1130
  2. In China, clients of female sex workers (CFSWs) have a low rate of condom use and a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, little is known about the high-risk sexual behaviors of HIV-p...

    Authors: Peili Wu, Willa M. Dong, Keming Rou, Wei Dong, Chu Zhou, Xi Chen, Jun Zheng, Sarah R. Scott and Zunyou Wu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1129
  3. Food safety has long been the subject of scholarly research, and street food is a weak link in food safety supervision. Street food not only provides convenience for many people, but is also the livelihood for...

    Authors: Lihua Ma, Hong Chen, Huizhe Yan, Lifeng Wu and Wenbin Zhang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1128
  4. The workplace is a prominent domain for excessive sitting. The consequences of increased sitting time include adverse health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease and poor mental wellbeing. There is evidence...

    Authors: Samson O. Ojo, Daniel P. Bailey, Marsha L. Brierley, David J. Hewson and Angel M. Chater
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1126
  5. Increasing life expectancy has made understanding the mechanisms underlying late-life health and function more important. We set out to investigate whether trajectories of change in psychosocial working condit...

    Authors: Charlotta Nilsen, Ross Andel, Alexander Darin-Mattsson and Ingemar Kåreholt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1125
  6. Social participation is a modifiable health determinant influenced by physical and social aspects of the environment. Little is known about aging women’s and men’s community activities and barriers according t...

    Authors: Daniel Naud, Mélissa Généreux, Jean-François Bruneau, Aline Alauzet and Mélanie Levasseur
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1124
  7. Little is known about the risk and addiction perceptions of e-cigarettes among Asian populations. We examined e-cigarette perceptions among young adults in Hong Kong and the association between the perceptions...

    Authors: Nan Jiang, Charles M. Cleland, Man Ping Wang, Antonio Kwong, Vienna Lai and Tai Hing Lam
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1123
  8. Health Literacy (HL) is the knowledge and competence to access, understand, appraise, and apply health information for health judgment. We analyze for the first time HL level of Catalonia’s population. Our obj...

    Authors: Oriol Garcia-Codina, Dolors Juvinyà-Canal, Paloma Amil-Bujan, Carmen Bertran-Noguer, María Asunción González-Mestre, Eulàlia Masachs-Fatjo, Sebastià J. Santaeugènia, Pilar Magrinyà-Rull and Esteve Saltó-Cerezuela
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1122
  9. Chronic back disorders (CBD) are a global health problem and the leading cause of years lived with disability. The present study aims to examine overall and specific trends in CBD in the Canadian population ag...

    Authors: Adriana Angarita-Fonseca, Catherine Trask, Tayyab Shah and Brenna Bath
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1121
  10. Retention in care is critical for children living with HIV taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). Loss to follow-up (LTFU) is high in HIV treatment programs in resource limited settings. We estimated the cumulat...

    Authors: Jane N. Mutanga, Simon Mutembo, Amara E. Ezeamama, Xiao Song, Robert C. Fubisha, Kunda Mutesu-Kapembwa, Derrick Sialondwe, Brenda Simuchembu, Jelita Chinyonga, Philip E. Thuma and Christopher C. Whalen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1120
  11. Vitamin D deficiency has been highlighted as a serious public health problem in the United Kingdom. One in four toddlers are not achieving the recommended intake for their healthy development. This study uses ...

    Authors: Rhiannon Eleanor Day, Roxane Krishnarao, Pinki Sahota and Meaghan Sarah Christian
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1119
  12. Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease of increasing global importance. There is scant information on Lyme disease patient demographics in England and Wales, and how they interact with the National Health Servic...

    Authors: John S. P. Tulloch, Valerie Decraene, Rob M. Christley, Alan D. Radford, Jenny C. Warner and Roberto Vivancos
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:931
  13. It was highlighted that in the original article [1] Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 were interchanged.

    Authors: Imelda K. Moise, Evan de Joya, Vinicius Okada Silva, Vanji Moise, Didi Bertrand Farmer and Adelisa Orantia
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1118

    The original article was published in BMC Public Health 2019 19:1010

  14. Comprehensive, age-stratified dengue surveillance data are unavailable from India and many more dengue cases occur than are reported. Additional information on dengue transmission dynamics can inform understan...

    Authors: Amit Bhavsar, Clarence C. Tam, Suneela Garg, Guru Rajesh Jammy, Anne-Frieda Taurel, Sher-Ney Chong and Joshua Nealon
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1116
  15. Targeted chronic disease programs are vital to improving health outcomes for Indigenous people globally. In Australia it is not known where evaluated chronic disease programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait I...

    Authors: Hannah Beks, Marley J. Binder, Constance Kourbelis, Geraldine Ewing, James Charles, Yin Paradies, Robyn A. Clark and Vincent L. Versace
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1115
  16. Fertility choice is a critical women’s right. Although researchers have studied the positive effects of fertility desire, its different components have, unfortunately, been neither established nor implemented ...

    Authors: Seyed Abolhassan Naghibi, Maryam Khazaee-Pool and Mahmood Moosazadeh
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1113
  17. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is the leading cause of death in Korea. According to a report of published by Statistics Korea in 2014, cerebrovascular disease and cardiovascular disease were th...

    Authors: Hyungtae Kim, Siin Kim, Sola Han, Pratik P. Rane, Kathleen M. Fox, Yi Qian and Hae Sun Suh
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1112
  18. Numerous interventions to increase children’s physical activity levels are published, yet, few studies report indicators of external validity. Process evaluations are critical for assessing intervention implem...

    Authors: Byron Tibbitts, Alice Porter, Simon J. Sebire, Emma L. Bird, Emily Sanderson, Chris Metcalfe, Jane E. Powell and Russell Jago
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1111
  19. Experiencing work-related stress constitutes an obvious risk for becoming sick-listed. In primary health care, no established method to early identify, advise and treat people with work-related stress exists. ...

    Authors: K. Holmgren, G. Hensing, U. Bültmann, E. Hadzibajramovic and M. E. H. Larsson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1110
  20. To estimate the relationship of the degree of urbanization to cardiovascular mortality and to risk behaviours before, during and after the 2008 economic crisis in Spain.

    Authors: Almudena Moreno-Lostao, Juan M. Guerras, Lourdes Lostao, Luis de la Fuente, David Martínez, Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo and Enrique Regidor
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1109
  21. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is pervasive throughout the world, with profound consequences for women’s health. While women’s ‘economic empowerment’ is touted as a potential means to reduce IPV, evidence is ...

    Authors: Tanya Abramsky, Shelley Lees, Heidi Stöckl, Sheila Harvey, Imma Kapinga, Meghna Ranganathan, Gerry Mshana and Saidi Kapiga
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1108
  22. As the incidence and prevalence rates of end stage renal disease (ESRD) rise globally, a disproportionate increase has been observed in the elderly population. Singapore has the fifth highest incidence of trea...

    Authors: Emeline Han, Farah Shiraz, Victoria Haldane, Joel Jun Kai Koh, Rina Yu Chin Quek, Semra Ozdemir, Eric Andrew Finkelstein, Tazeen Hasan Jafar, Hui-Lin Choong, Sheryl Gan, Lydia W. W. Lim and Helena Legido-Quigley
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1107
  23. Electronic health record (EHR) data, collected primarily for individual patient care and billing purposes, compiled in health information exchanges (HIEs) may have a secondary use for population health surveil...

    Authors: Roberta Z. Horth, Shelly Wagstaff, Theron Jeppson, Vishal Patel, Jefferson McClellan, Nicole Bissonette, Michael Friedrichs and Angela C. Dunn
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1106
  24. Evidence from randomized control trials suggest that coupled with smoking cessation interventions, CVD events can be reduced significantly if hypertension and diabetes patients are properly managed, raising pr...

    Authors: John Pastor Ansah, Ryan Leung Hoe Inn and Salman Ahmad
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1105
  25. The burden of tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) is rising and substantially affecting the low-income countries, including Tanzania. Integrated management of TB and DM is becoming of importance in TB...

    Authors: Festo K. Shayo and Sigfrid Casmir Shayo
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1104
  26. The family is one of the key factors that can contribute to reducing the negative consequences of high-risk sexual behavior. This study examines the influence of parents’ communication with children on issues ...

    Authors: Cristina Faludi and Cornelia Rada
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1103
  27. Cervical cancer remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women, particularly in low-resource countries like Ethiopia. Early screening for pre-cervical cancer is a key intervention in reduction of...

    Authors: Simachew Animen Bante, Simegnew Asmer Getie, Almaz Aklilu Getu, Kebadnew Mulatu and Selamawit Lake Fenta
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1102
  28. Workers with physically demanding work may be at risk for injury, illness or other adverse health outcomes due to exposure to different occupational hazards, especially at higher age. Sensor technology applica...

    Authors: Sander Mathijn Spook, Wendy Koolhaas, Ute Bültmann and Sandra Brouwer
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1100
  29. Sedentary behaviour is any waking behaviour characterised by an energy expenditure of ≤1.5 metabolic equivalent of task while in a sitting or reclining posture. Prolonged bouts of sedentary behaviour have been...

    Authors: G. H. Rawlings, R. K. Williams, D. J. Clarke, C. English, C. Fitzsimons, I. Holloway, R. Lawton, G. Mead, A. Patel and A. Forster
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1099
  30. Early childhood represents a critical period for the establishment of long-lasting healthy dietary habits. Limited knowledge exists on how to successfully increase vegetable consumption among preschool childre...

    Authors: Anne Lene Kristiansen, Mona Bjelland, Anne Himberg-Sundet, Nanna Lien, René Holst and Lene Frost Andersen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1098
  31. This study aimed to describe the design and present the baseline characteristics of a web-based lifestyle intervention program, which comprises of sequentially and simultaneously delivered intervention modules...

    Authors: Wei Liang, Yan Ping Duan, Bo Rui Shang, Yan Ping Wang, Chun Hu and Sonia Lippke
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1097
  32. Culturally competent health care service delivery can improve health outcomes, increasing the efficiency of clinical staff, and greater patient satisfaction. We aimed to explore the experience of patients with...

    Authors: Jennifer White, Trish Plompen, Leanne Tao, Emily Micallef and Terrence Haines
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1096
  33. An evaluation of Västerbotten Intervention Programme (VIP) was recently conducted by San Sebastian et al. (BMC Public Health 19:202, 2019). Evaluation of health care interventions of this kind require 1) an un...

    Authors: Yulia Blomstedt, Margareta Norberg, Nawi Ng, Lennarth Nyström, Kurt Boman, Göran Lönnberg, Hans Stenlund, Stig Wall and Lars Weinehall
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1095
  34. Attending antenatal care (ANC) early contribute to better birth outcomes. Studies have shown that many pregnant women in Sub-Saharan Africa do not initiate ANC early (i.e. in the first trimester). This study d...

    Authors: Agnes Millicent Kotoh and Michael Boah
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1094
  35. Current evidence on chronic disease prevention suggests that interventions targeted at high-risk individuals represents the best way forward. We implemented a step-wise approach in the Danish primary care sect...

    Authors: Lars Bruun Larsen, Jens Sondergaard, Janus Laust Thomsen, Anders Halling, Anders Larrabee Sønderlund, Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen and Trine Thilsing
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1092
  36. The United States appears to be in the midst of an opioid epidemic. National data indicate a rise in emergency department visits for opioid-related causes over the past decade. This data, while important in he...

    Authors: John R. Litaker, Naomi Tamez, Wesley Durkalski and Richard Taylor
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1091
  37. Seasonal influenza contributes substantially to the burden of communicable diseases in Europe, especially among paediatric populations and the elderly. The aim of the present study was to estimate the incidenc...

    Authors: Stefan Scholz, Oliver Damm, Udo Schneider, Bernhard Ultsch, Ole Wichmann and Wolfgang Greiner
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1090
  38. Monitoring seasonal influenza epidemics is the corner stone to epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory virus infections worldwide.

    Authors: Núria Torner, Luca Basile, Ana Martínez, Cristina Rius, Pere Godoy, Mireia Jané and Ángela Domínguez
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1089
  39. Improvement of health literacy, health behavioural change, creating a supportive physical and social environment to be more conducive to health should be the focus of child and adolescent public health. The co...

    Authors: Albert Lee, Amelia Siu Chee Lo, Mei Wan Keung, Chi Ming Amy Kwong and Kwok Keung Wong
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1088
  40. In South Africa, the occurrence of the double burden of malnutrition is on the rise at a household level predisposing children and their mothers to negative health outcomes. However, few studies have been cond...

    Authors: Perpetua Modjadji and Sphiwe Madiba
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1087
  41. Young gay and bisexual men disproportionately experience depression, anxiety, and substance use problems and are among the highest risk group for HIV infection in the U.S. Diverse methods locate the source of ...

    Authors: John E. Pachankis, Erin M. McConocha, Jesse S. Reynolds, Roxanne Winston, Oluwaseyi Adeyinka, Audrey Harkness, Charles L. Burton, Kriti Behari, Timothy J. Sullivan, Adam I. Eldahan, Denise A. Esserman, Mark L. Hatzenbuehler and Steven A. Safren
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1086
  42. The rising global burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) among people with low socioeconomic status (SES) has heightened awareness of the need for primary prevention programs in low-SES neighborhoods. Socia...

    Authors: Peter Elsborg, Glen Nielsen, Charlotte D. Klinker, Paulina S. Melby, Julie H. Christensen and Peter Bentsen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1084
  43. Internationally, acute homelessness is commonly associated with complex health and social care needs. While homelessness can be understood as an outcome of structural housing exclusion requiring housing led so...

    Authors: Fernando Fajardo-Bullón, Igor Esnaola, Isobel Anderson and Lars Benjaminsen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1081
  44. The increasing trend of Caesarean section (CS) in childbirth has become a global public health challenge. Previous studies have proposed financial intervention strategies for reducing CS rates by limiting caes...

    Authors: Yushan Yu, Feili Lin, Weizhen Dong, Haohan Li, Xiangyang Zhang and Chun Chen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1080
  45. Ethiopia was among the 15 countries that, together accounted for 64% of the world’s severe episodes of pneumonia among children below the age of 5 in 2011. To reduce this burden, the 10-valent pneumococcal con...

    Authors: Tayue Tateke Kebede, Mikael Svensson, Adamu Addissie, Birger Trollfors and Rune Andersson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1078
  46. Chronic inflammation contributes to the risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII), a novel method appraising the inflammatory potential of diet, has been utilized to examine the assoc...

    Authors: Yalin Zhou, Xiaoyu Zhu, Minjia Zhang, Yong Li, Wei Liu, Hanming Huang and Yajun Xu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2019 19:1076

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