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  1. Globally, childhood immunization saves the lives of 2–3 million children annually by protecting them against vaccine-preventable diseases. In 2017, 116.2 million children were vaccinated worldwide according to...

    Authors: Ana Amélia Corrêa de Araújo Veras, Eduardo Jorge da Fonseca Lima, Maria de Fátima Costa Caminha, Suzana Lins da Silva, Amanda Alves Moreira de Castro, Andressa Lílian Bezerra Bernardo, Maria Lídia Amaral Barbosa Ventura, Pedro Israel Cabral de Lira and Malaquias Batista Filho
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1152
  2. With the growing epidemic of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in sub-Saharan Africa, behavioural change interventions are critical in supporting populations to achieve better cardiovascular health. Population know...

    Authors: Rawlance Ndejjo, Fred Nuwaha, Hilde Bastiaens, Rhoda K. Wanyenze and Geofrey Musinguzi
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1151
  3. Suicide rates have been climbing in the U.S., particularly in Rocky Mountain states such as Colorado. Benzodiazepines have been linked with suicidal ideation, but there have been few population level assessmen...

    Authors: Tista Ghosh, Kirk Bol, Maria Butler, Barbara Gabella, Andrea Kingcade, Gabriel Kaplan and Lindsey Myers
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1149
  4. An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.

    Authors: Tessa Joxhorst, Joyce Vrijsen, Jacobien Niebuur and Nynke Smidt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1147

    The original article was published in BMC Public Health 2020 20:788

  5. Although it is rarely fatal in developed countries, acute gastroenteritis (AGE) still induces significant morbidity and economic costs. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with AGE i...

    Authors: Marie Ecollan, Caroline Guerrisi, Cécile Souty, Louise Rossignol, Clément Turbelin, Thomas Hanslik, Vittoria Colizza and Thierry Blanchon
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1146
  6. Health care providers play a pivotal role as educators on health-related matters ranging from vaccination to smoking cessation. With the rising popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), providers fac...

    Authors: Josephine Hwang, Crystal Lee, Eric Mastrolonardo and Rosemary Frasso
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1145
  7. Self-report in people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) shows that they lead less active lifestyles. Physical activity is important as it has been shown to improve quality of life, reduce co-morbidit...

    Authors: Tjerk Zult, Lee Smith, Charlotte Stringer and Shahina Pardhan
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1144
  8. It is estimated that around 70% of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients (T2DM) have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Awareness and education are amongst the major shortcomings of the public health respo...

    Authors: Mireia Alemany-Pagès, Mariana Moura-Ramos, Sara Araújo, Maria Paula Macedo, Rogério T. Ribeiro, Dulce do Ó, João Ramalho-Santos and Anabela Marisa Azul
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1142
  9. The data of the International Diabetes Federation show that about 463 million people have diabetes. Better understanding of psychosocial aspects of life with this disease has become one of healthcare prioritie...

    Authors: Ewa Kobos, Alicja Szewczyk, Teresa ÅšwiÄ…tkowska, Tomasz Kryczka and Zofia Sienkiewicz
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1140
  10. Numerous movement skills and physical fitness tests have been developed for children in high-income countries. However, adaptation of these tests to low-resource settings has been slow and norms are still unav...

    Authors: Bouwien C. M. Smits-Engelsman, Emmanuel Bonney, Jorge Lopes Cavalcante Neto and Dorothee L. Jelsma
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1139
  11. The role of housing as a social determinant of health is well-established, but the causal pathways are poorly understood beyond the direct effects of physical housing defects. For low-income, vulnerable househ...

    Authors: Steve Rolfe, Lisa Garnham, Jon Godwin, Isobel Anderson, Pete Seaman and Cam Donaldson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1138
  12. The unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous, nature of the occupation exposes officers to both acute and chronic stress over law enforcement officers’ (LEO)  tenure. The purpose of this study is two-fold: 1) De...

    Authors: Katelyn K. Jetelina, Alaina M. Beauchamp, Jennifer M. Reingle Gonzalez, Rebecca J. Molsberry, Stephen A. Bishopp and Simon Craddock Lee
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1137
  13. Various methods exist for statistical inference about a prevalence that consider misclassifications due to an imperfect diagnostic test. However, traditional methods are known to suffer from truncation of the ...

    Authors: Matthias Flor, Michael Weiß, Thomas Selhorst, Christine Müller-Graf and Matthias Greiner
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1135
  14. Immunization is a cost-effective public health strategy. Immunization averts nearly three million deaths annually but immunization coverage is low in some countries and some regions within countries. The aim o...

    Authors: Tahir Yousuf Nour, Alinoor Mohamed Farah, Omer Moeline Ali and Kalkidan Hassen Abate
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1134
  15. The use of health care services is influenced by various factors, including demographic, social, economic, and health status factors. This study aimed to identify the factors that influence health care use in ...

    Authors: Na Young Kong and Dong Hee Kim
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1133
  16. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a deeply-rooted cultural practice mainly undertaken in Africa, the Middle East and Asian countries. Evidence to date suggests that although first-generation migrants to the W...

    Authors: Saadye Ali, Nick de Viggiani, Aida Abzhaparova, Debra Salmon and Selena Gray
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1132
  17. Previous studies have suggested that there is an association between air pollutants and circulatory and respiratory diseases; however, relatively few have analyzed the association between air pollutants and ou...

    Authors: Yu Jiang, Jiedong Chen, Chuancheng Wu, Xin Lin, Quan Zhou, Shumi Ji, Shuangfeng Yang, Xiaoyang Zhang and Baoying Liu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1131
  18. This study aimed to translate and validate the Motivation to Change Lifestyle and Health Behaviours for Dementia Risk Reduction (MCLHB-DRR) scale in the Dutch general population.

    Authors: Tessa Joxhorst, Joyce Vrijsen, Jacobien Niebuur and Nynke Smidt
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:788

    The Correction to this article has been published in BMC Public Health 2020 20:1147

  19. Child maltreatment is a global epidemic. It affects morbidity, mortality, social behavior, wellbeing, and quality of life of children. This study aims to assess prevalence of child abuse in the West Bank (WB) ...

    Authors: Nouh Harsha, Margaret A. Lynch and Rita Giacaman
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1130
  20. In 2003, the World Health Organization recommended exclusive breastfeeding (EB) during the newborn’s first 6 months of life and, if possible, during the first 2 years. However, EB rates resist these recommenda...

    Authors: Isabel Rodríguez-Gallego, Fatima Leon-Larios, Cecilia Ruiz-Ferrón and Maria-de-las-Mercedes Lomas-Campos
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1129

    The Correction to this article has been published in BMC Public Health 2020 20:1445

  21. Water is the most abundant resource on earth, however water scarcity affects more than 40% of people worldwide. Access to safe drinking water is a basic human right and is a United Nations Sustainable Developm...

    Authors: Godfrey Bwire, David A. Sack, Atek Kagirita, Tonny Obala, Amanda K. Debes, Malathi Ram, Henry Komakech, Christine Marie George and Christopher Garimoi Orach
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1128
  22. Previous studies show large variations in physical activity (PA) levels among adolescents. However, the number of studies is limited and even fewer studies have assessed PA in adolescents by accelerometer devi...

    Authors: Sigurd K. Beldo, Bente Morseth, Tore Christoffersen, Peder A. Halvorsen, Bjørge H. Hansen, Anne-Sofie Furberg, Ulf Ekelund and Alexander Horsch
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1127
  23. Effective tuberculosis (TB) control is the end result of improved health seeking by the community and timely provision of quality TB services by the health system. Rapid expansion of health services to the per...

    Authors: Daniel G. Datiko, Degu Jerene and Pedro Suarez
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1126
  24. Anaemia is a global health problem and women in reproductive age (WRA) are amongst the most affected population. Its consequences include low birth weight and maternal mortality. This study aimed to assess the...

    Authors: Khalid Abdelmutalab Elmardi, Ishag Adam, Elfatih Mohammed Malik, Tarig Abdalla Abdelrahim, Mousab Siddig Elhag, Abdalla Ahmed Ibrahim, Mariam Adam Babiker, Asma Hashim Elhassan, Hmooda Toto Kafy, Azza Tageldin Elshafie, Lubna Mohammed Nawai, Mujahid Sheikhedin Abdin and Stef Kremers
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1125
  25. Among food pantry users there is a high prevalence of both smoking and food insecurity, which may be related to one another. This study aims to evaluate the impact of a smoking cessation program carried out in...

    Authors: Anja Simmet, Michael Teut, Romy Schleicher, Andreas Bschaden and Nanette Stroebele-Benschop
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1124
  26. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) is a strategy developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF in 1992. It was deployed as an integrated approach to improve children’s health in ...

    Authors: Andrés Mauricio García Sierra and Jovana Alexandra Ocampo Cañas
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1122
  27. Demographic and anthropometric factors associated with the age at diagnosis of diabetes have not been extensively studied. Much of the literature using anthropometric measures has been associated with other he...

    Authors: Daudet Ilunga Tshiswaka, Chris B. Agala, A. J. Guillory, Breanna Walters and Justice Mbizo
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1121
  28. Parent-child communication about sexual issues can reduce risky sexual behaviour amongst adolescents. Risky sexual behaviour is of concern in sub-Saharan Africa where the prevalence of early pregnancy, unsafe ...

    Authors: Katja Jezkova Isaksen, Patrick Musonda and Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1120
  29. Little is known about the combined effect of physical activity (PA), recreational screen time (ST), and sleep in preventing childhood obesity. Hence, this study aimed to analyze the associations between meetin...

    Authors: Lukáš Jakubec, Aleš Gába, Jan Dygrýn, Lukáš Rubín, Adam Šimůnek and Erik Sigmund
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1119
  30. This study analyzed the trends and seasonality in mortality among children aged 0–14 years in Guangzhou, China during 2008–2018. Understanding the epidemiology of this public health problem can guide policy de...

    Authors: Xiao-Han Xu, Hang Dong, Li Li, Wen-Hui Liu, Guo-Zhen Lin and Chun-Quan Ou
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1117
  31. There is growing evidence on positive effects of physical activity (PA) on mental health. However, the focus of previous research on this relationship has typically been on mental health from the perspective o...

    Authors: Kaija Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, Jani P. Vaara, Tommi Vasankari, Arja Häkkinen, Matti Mäntysaari and Heikki Kyröläinen
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1116
  32. Body dissatisfaction influences women’s mental and physical health. To date, most research has focused on body dissatisfaction in relation to the ‘thin-ideal’. Thus, the association between body dissatisfactio...

    Authors: Christina Ralph-Nearman and Ruth Filik
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1114
  33. The pressing demands of work over the years have had a significant constraint on the family and social life of working adults. Moreover, failure to achieve a ‘balance’ between these domains of life may have an...

    Authors: Aziz Mensah and Nicholas Kofi Adjei
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1052
  34. Benzene, an important component of organic solvents, is commonly used in industry. Meanwhile, benzene is a human carcinogen leading to leukemia. Although the links between benzene and various types of genetic ...

    Authors: Yanhua Zhou, Kun Wang, Boshen Wang, Yuepu Pu and Juan Zhang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1113
  35. Improving breastfeeding practice is important for reducing child health inequalities and achieving several Sustainable Development Goals. Indonesia has enacted legislation to promote optimal breastfeeding prac...

    Authors: Nurmala Selly Saputri, Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti, Alison Morgan, Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Ankur Singh, Barbara McPake, Rifat Atun, Rika Kumala Dewi and John Tayu Lee
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1112
  36. In 1988, the 41st World Health Assembly (WHA) marked the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) for the eradication of polio. A key component of the GPEI has been the development and deployment ...

    Authors: Brook Tesfaye, Jeevan K. Makam, Kibet Sergon, Iheoma Onuekwusi, Charles Muitherero and Alieu Sowe
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1110
  37. Meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) is the most common cause of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in the United States. The US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccination of heal...

    Authors: Amit Srivastava, Amanda Dempsey, Alex Galitsky, Mansour Fahimi and Liping Huang
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1109
  38. Recently, more and more men who have sex with men (MSM) look for casual partners through online dating platforms in China. However, most are unable to know their partners’ HIV and other sexually transmitted di...

    Authors: Xiangyu Yan, Yongjie Li, Hexuan Su, Yi Xing, Bo Zhang, Zuhong Lu and Zhongwei Jia
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1107
  39. Breast cancer represented the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in Japan. Although physical activity has been reported protective against breast cancer, scientific evidence is limited on the risk of b...

    Authors: Gita Nirmala Sari, Ehab Salah Eshak, Kokoro Shirai, Yoshihisa Fujino, Akiko Tamakoshi and Hiroyasu Iso
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1106
  40. Human alveolar echinococcosis (HAE), caused by the larvae of Echinococcus multilocularis, is a severe parasitic disease that is a major public health concern. New HAE cases in China account for 91% of the global ...

    Authors: Xuanzhuo Wang, Guodong Dai, Min Li, Wanzhong Jia, Zhongmin Guo and Jiahai Lu
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1105
  41. Africa bears a disproportionately high burden of globally significant disease but has lagged in knowledge production to address its health challenges. In this contribution, we discuss the challenges and approa...

    Authors: Victoria O. Kasprowicz, Denis Chopera, Kim Darley Waddilove, Mark A. Brockman, Jill Gilmour, Eric Hunter, William Kilembe, Etienne Karita, Simani Gaseitsiwe, Eduard J. Sanders and Thumbi Ndung’u
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1104
  42. Inappropriate antibiotic use is an important driver of antibiotic resistance. This study sought to explore inappropriate antibiotic use and confusing antibiotics with other medicines in Ghana using ethnomethod...

    Authors: Samuel Afari-Asiedu, Marlies Hulscher, Martha Ali Abdulai, Ellen Boamah-Kaali, Kwaku Poku Asante and Heiman F. L. Wertheim
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1103
  43. Effective public health surveillance systems are crucial for early detection and response to outbreaks. In 2016, Kenya transitioned its surveillance system from a standalone web-based surveillance system to th...

    Authors: Ian Njeru, David Kareko, Ngina Kisangau, Daniel Langat, Nzisa Liku, George Owiso, Samantha Dolan, Peter Rabinowitz, Daniel Macharia, Chinyere Ekechi and Marc-Alain Widdowson
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1101
  44. The onset of puberty and menarche is a potentially vulnerable time for girls. Educational and psychosocial competencies are regarded as essential tools that empower them to successfully navigate the adolescent...

    Authors: Beth Kangwana, Eunice Muthengi and Karen Austrian
    Citation: BMC Public Health 2020 20:1097

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