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Table 1 Description of independent variables

From: Risk factors for smoking in adolescence: evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Switzerland





0 = male

1 = female

2 = other



Migration background

0 = both parents born in Switzerland

1 = one parent born in Switzerland

2 = both parents born outside Switzerland

Language region of residence

0 = German

1 = French

2 = Italian

Urbanicity of place of residence

0 = rural

1 = suburban

2 = urban


Financial situation of household

0=“We are in a good financial situation and can afford many things, but we still have to be mindful of our money.” or better

1=“We have enough, and it’s sufficient to treat ourselves occasionally.” or worse

2=“I do not know.”

Smoker living in the same household

0 = no

1 = yes


Frequency of alcohol consumption

0 = 3 or less

1 = at least 4*

Frequency of cannabis/marijuana/hashish consumption

0 = 3 or less

1 = at least 4*

Frequency of hookah consumption

0 = 3 or less

1 = at least 4*

Frequency of social media consumption

0 = daily or less often

1 = several times a day**

Top five leisure activity: Sports

0 = yes

1 = no

Top five leisure activity: Music

0 = yes

1 = no


Stress level at home/with family members

0 = 3 or less

1 = at least 4***

Sensation seeking

0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***

Health awareness

0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***


0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***

Affiliation motivation

0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***


0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***

Relational self-esteem

0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***

General well-being

0 = 4 or less

1 = at least 5***

  1. Category 0 corresponds to the reference category. *Response options: 1 = no, never; 2 = no, but have already tried before; 3 = yes, but less than once a month; 4 = yes, at least once a month; 5 = yes, at least once a week; 6 = yes, daily. **Response options: 1 = never, 2 = less than once a week, 3 = several times a month, 4 = several times a week, 5 = daily, 6 = several times a day. ***Response options described in text above (“Independent Variables”)