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Fig. 2 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 2

From: Exploring pre-pandemic patterns of vaccine decision-making with the 5C model: results from representative surveys in 2016 and 2018

Fig. 2

5C means and 95% confidence intervals in the samples. Note. The 5C values were marginally different between the different target groups in the samples of 2016 and 2018. Confidence was highest in parents (E), pregnant women (F), and healthcare workers (D). Constraints were highest in people with a migratory background (C) and parents (E). Collective Responsibility was higher in the 2018 sample compared to the 2016 sample. Calculation values were also above the scales’ average, showing the need for information regarding vaccination even before the COVID-19 pandemic and respective vaccination campaign. People with a migratory background had the lowest values for calculation. Complacency, i.e. neglecting disease risks, was highest in the sample of people with a migratory background (C) and in people over the age of 59 years (A)

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