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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for men and (ex)partners

From: Randomised pilot and feasibility trial of a group intervention for men who perpetrate intimate partner violence against women

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


 Aged 21 or over

Did not have a current or previous female partner

 Used (and acknowledged) abusive behaviour in his current or past relationships with women

Who had been court-mandated to attend a DAPP

 Ability to read and complete outcome questionnaires (with or without the support of a researcher)

Deemed by the programme coordinator as high risk or unable/unwilling to engage in the intervention

Could not speak English well enough to give informed consent or take part in a group

A diagnosis of mental illness (such as active psychosis) that would prevent them engaging with the programme

Unstable substance or alcohol use


 Female partners or ex-partners of men using violence/abuse in their relationships

Participants who cannot understand English sufficiently well to give informed consent and to complete the questionnaires

 > 18 years

Women who are deemed by the domestic abuse support worker to be put at greater risk if they take part in the trial

 Ability to read and complete outcome questionnaires

Women who are incapacitated by substance abuse or serious mental illness at time of seeking consent