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Table 2 Examples of data analysis

From: Exploring the practice of Iranian adolescent females during menstruation and related beliefs: a qualitative study

Meaning units




Peas and beans are flatulent and cause dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhoea due to flatulent food

Diet change

Lifestyle and related beliefs

I don’t eat yogurt when I’m on my menstruation because it makes my face blotchy

The formation of skin spots due to eating yogurt

I avoid activities that cause heavy bleeding, such as running and jumping

Avoiding some heavy activities

Exercise and daily activities

I should not lift heavy objects, this leads to back pain and increase menstrual bleeding

Lifting heavy objects causes heavy bleeding,

Lifting heavy objects causes back pain

I don’t take a bath during my menstruation

Don’t take a bath

Personal hygiene

My uterus is open and water gets inside it, it makes me sick and I will get an infection.

Getting infection due to entering of water into the uterus

Sometimes moms don’t understand their girls’ conditions

Lack of understanding of girls’ conditions by mothers

Not being understood

Lake of support

In my opinion, they should deal with them in such a way that the student is comfortable to talk to them

Lack of understanding of girls’ conditions by teachers

I hide my period from my father

Hiding menstruation from the father

Shame and Embarrassment

When I buy a sanitary napkin, I put it in black plastic bag so that it is not obvious and others cannot see it

Hiding sanitary napkins when shopping

My mother does not have complete information

Incomplete information of the mother

Unawareness and Lack of Training

Awareness and Information

My mother says that you should not take a bath when you are on your menstruation because you will get an infection

Lake of knowledge

I ask my questions of my mother

Mother as a source of information

Sources of Information

If I have a question or need information about menstruation, I usually search on the Internet

Internet source of information