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Table 3 Multivariable logistic regression of associations between having mental health problems or having financial difficulties or both, and indicators of social exclusion

From: 1 plus 1 is more than 2: mental health problems, financial difficulties, and social exclusion in a cross-sectional study of 28,047 general-population adults


Lack of social support

Low participation in organized social activities

Low participation in other social activities

Miss someone to be with

Feel excluded

Feel isolated

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

Model 1: Mental health problems, but not financial difficulties

5.10 (4.57–5.68)***

1.60 (1.48–1.72)***

1.97 (1.79–2.16)***

6.22 (5.56–6.95)***

11.73 (10.28–13.38)***

12.53 (10.83–14.51)***

Model 2: Financial difficulties, but not mental health problems

3.05 (2.68–3.47)***

1.33 (1.23–1.44)***

1.66 (1.50–1.84)***

2.72 (2.37–3.14)***

3.00 (2.51–3.60)***

3.41 (2.79–4.16)***

Model 3: Both mental health problems and financial difficulties

13.21 (11.82–14.77)***

2.08 (1.90–2.27)***

3.39 (3.06–3.75)***

13.49 (12.02–15.14)***

26.84 (23.43–30.74)***

29.46 (25.32–34.27)***

  1. Data are presented as odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001. Results are adjusted for age and sex
  2. The reference group in all three models was participants who reported neither mental health problems or financial difficulties