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Table 3 Mixed method results for the perceived group dynamic according to participants

From: How the Plants for Joints multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention achieved its effects: a mixed methods process evaluation

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the dynamic of your group?

Number (%) reported in participant questionnaire

(n = 103)

Participant experiences and quotes based on focus groups (n = 34)


(Completely) agree1


I felt like I was part of the group

88 (85)

Some felt a very strong group connection which added value to their experience of the intervention.

"...The group dynamic ... I actually found the most important thing... I was [in a group] with seven participants and it was incredibly fun, but in particular because we got back together every Thursday it seemed ... just like an AA meeting, like: "Have you sinned this week?" "Well, I got a croquette from the stand…" But you did keep each other strong, and I just noticed gradually, over the weeks, that I was thinking, like: "Hey, wait a minute, I do have to stay on the right path, because otherwise I'll see them again on Thursday...Then I'll have to fess up." And I could lie about it, but that doesn't feel right, because there are all these people who are working towards the same goal. So, I was actually triggered by the group’s collective interest, or group pressure…You can see it that way. I found that very important, all the way through." (#415, FG 1)

I could talk to the participants in my group about things that are important for me

77 (75)

Some participants shared positive experiences about being able to discuss important topics.

"I also liked working in a group, because you have a bit of support from each other. I mean, you hear stories that you yourself are also struggling with, so you don't feel like you're doing it on your own. And the positive things you share together...To have feedback and share the ups and the downs." (#246, FG 2)

On the other hand, some participants felt, for example due to different personal situations, they could not discuss important topics with their group.

"I thought: "I would have loved that, if I could have just talked to someone there." [But] in my group, there were no people in the same kind of situation." (#496, FG 2)

I had a personal connection with some of the participants in my group

32 (31)

One participant shared their experience of individual contact with another group member and felt this added value to the intervention.

"With one person I still call from time to time. She was struggling for a while and she wanted to call every week. And that's just valuable. That you can call someone when you need support." (#419, FG 3)


(Completely) disagree1


I did not feel very connected with the participants in my group

66 (64)

Some participants indicated they did not feel connected to others in their group or experienced a feeling of being part of a group. Of those participants some missed this aspect in the intervention.

"...that's something…which I missed a lot, the group thing."(#422, FG 1)

I did not really fit in with the participants in my group

77 (75)

No remarks

I often felt lonely when I was with the participants in my group

96 (93)

No remarks

  1. 1Participants were asked to answer various statements about the group dynamic using a 4-point Linkert scale ranging from completely disagree, disagree, agree, completely agree. The sum of those reporting completely agree and agree or disagree and completely disagree are shown. FG focus group