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Table 4 Summary of general health, chronic conditions, functional limitations, and handling of health care for respondents

From: A large, multi-center survey assessing health, social support, literacy, and self-management resources in patients with heart failure


N Missing

N (%)

among responders

‘In general, would you say your health is…’





54 (1.7)

 Very good


452 (14.1)



1380 (42.9)



1088 (33.8)



244 (7.6)

‘Do you currently have, or in the past have you experienced…’



 High blood pressure


2402 (72.1)

 High cholesterol


1712 (51.4)



1069 (32.1)

 Atrial fibrillation


1359 (40.8)

 Heart attack


880 (26.4)



380 (11.4)

Some or much difficulty or unable to do activities of daily living



541 (16.5)

 Getting in and out of bed


287 (8.8)

 Feeding yourself


59 (1.8)



238 (7.3)

 Using the toilet


147 (4.5)

 Preparing meals


425 (13.6)

 Managing medications


292 (9.1)

 Using transportation


497 (15.4)

Number of activities of daily living reported with some or much difficulty or unable to do





2365 (71.0)



396 (11.9)



569 (17.1)

Some or much difficulty or unable to do mobility activities

 Climbing 2 flights of stairs without stopping to rest


1785 (55.0)

‘In the last year, did anyone (family, friend) sit in with you and your doctor during visits?’





2591 (79.4)



673 (20.6)

‘People today are asked by their doctors and other health care providers to do many things to stay healthy or treat health problems…. How do you usually handle these things?’†



 Mostly by myself


1760 (53.7)

 Together with family or close friends


1135 (34.7)

 Family or close friends mostly handle


162 (5.0)

 It varies


219 (6.7)

  1. *Persons missing answers to individual activities were assumed to not have difficulty with that activity when counting the number of activities of daily living reported with difficulty/unable to do
  2. †The full question states, ‘People today are asked by their doctors and other health care providers to do many things to stay healthy or treat health problems — for example, manage medicines, get tests and lab work done, watch weight and blood pressure, or have yearly exams. How do you usually handle these things?’