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Table 2 Outcome measures: questionnaire wording, response options and binary aggregation for analysis

From: Evaluation of the population-level impacts of the LiveLighter® obesity prevention campaign from 2012 to 2019 based on serial cross-sectional surveys



Response options

Binary aggregation

Knowledge of the link between overweight and chronic diseasea

Knowledge of link between overweight and heart disease

How likely do you think being overweight is a risk factor for… heart disease?

Very unlikely; Slightly unlikely; Neither unlikely nor likely; Slightly likely; Very likely; (Don’t know); (Refused).

Very/Slightly likely cf. all other responsesb.

Knowledge of link between overweight and type 2 dabetes

How likely do you think being overweight is a risk factor for… type 2 diabetes?

Knowledge of link between overweight and cancer

How likely do you think being overweight is a risk factor for… cancer?

Prompted dietary intentionsa

Likely to cut down amount of high calorie food in next 7 days

Over the next 7 days, how likely or unlikely are you to… cut down the amount of high calorie food you eat?

Very unlikely; Slightly unlikely; Neither unlikely nor likely; Slightly likely; Very likely; (Don’t know); (Refused).

Very/Slightly likely cf. all other responsesb.

Likely to drink less sugary drinks in next 7 days

Over the next 7 days, how likely or unlikely are you to… drink less sugary drinks?

Likely to eat smaller serving sizes in next 7 days

Over the next 7 days, how likely or unlikely are you to… eat smaller serving sizes?

Likely to eat more fruit and vegetables in next 7 days

Over the next 7 days, how likely or unlikely are you to… eat more fruit and vegetables?



Fruit consumption

Thinking back over the past 7 days, how many serves of fruit did you usually eat each day? A serve of fruit is equal to one medium piece, two small pieces of fruit or one cup of diced fruit.

Serves per day; None; Less than one a day; (Don’t know); (Refused).

2 or more serves a day cf. all other responsesb.

Vegetable consumption

Thinking back over the past 7 days, how many serves of vegetables did you usually eat each day? A serve of vegetables is equal to half a cup of cooked vegetables or 1 cup of salad.

Serves per day; None; Less than one a day; (Don’t know); (Refused).

For females: 5 or more serves a day cf. all other responsesb.

For males: 6 or more serves day cf. all other responsesb

Sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption

(a) During the past 7 days, on how many days did you drink a can, bottle or glass of a sugar-sweetened drink such as soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit drink, sports drinks and cordial? Do not include diet drinks. (Interviewer note: fruit drink does not include 100% fruit juice). IF 1 to 7: (b) On days that you did drink sugar-sweetened drinks, how many times per day did you usually drink them?

(a) Days in the past 7 drank SSB (Range 0–7); (Don’t know); (Refused); (b) Once a day; twice a day; 3 times per day; 4 or more times per day; (Don’t know); (Refused).

1 or more times in last week cf. all others; 4 or more times in last week cf. all other responsesb.

Fast food consumption

(a) During the past 7 days, on how many days did you eat take-away or ‘fast foods’ (such as fish and chips, hamburgers, fried chicken, pizza, sausage rolls, meat pies)? IF 1 to 7: (b) On days that you did eat take-away or ‘fast food’, how many times per day did you usually eat it?

(a) Days in the past 7 ate fast food (Range 0–7); (Don’t know); (Refused); (b) Once a day; twice a day; 3 times per day; 4 or more times per day; (Don’t know); (Refused).

1 or more times a week cf. all other responsesb.

Sweet food consumption

(a) During the past 7 days, on how many days did you eat sweet foods (such as cakes, biscuits, lollies and chocolates)? IF 1 to 7: (b) On days that you did eat sweet foods, how many times per day did you usually eat it?

a) Days in the past 7 ate sweet foods

(Range 0–7); (Don’t know); (Refused); b) Once a day; twice a day; 3 times per day; 4 or more times per day; (Don’t know); (Refused).

3 or more times a week cf. all other responsesb.

  1. a Presentation of questions in this set was randomised to avoid potential order effects. Single responses only were allowed
  2. b Responses of ‘Don’t Know’ and ‘Refused’ were excluded