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Table 3 Association of food insecurity with COVID-19 infection and vaccination status among urban American Indian and Alaska Native survey participants, January-May 2021

From: Food insecurity in urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations during the COVID-19 pandemic


COVID-19 infection

COVID-19 vaccination


% (Na)


PD (95% CI)


PD (95% CI)

% (Na)


PD (95% CI)


PD (95% CI)

Full cohort

Na = 704


Na = 690


 Food secure

14% (60)


54% (303)


 Food insecure

18% (38)

4% (-3%, 12%)

4% (-3%, 11%)

43% (130)

-11% (-21%, -2%)

-2% (-10%, 6%)

Persistent food security statusc

Na = 537


Na = 529


 Food secure

15% (57)


54% (271)


 Food insecure

14% (17)

-1% (-9%, 8%)

-1% (-9%, 7%)

44% (72)

-10% (-22%, 2%)

-2% (-13%, 9%)

  1. PD Prevalence difference: absolute effect showing the prevalence of COVID-19 infection or vaccination among food insecure individuals compared to food secure individuals, CI Confidence interval
  2. aUnweighted sample size, results weighted for sampling and nonresponse
  3. bAdjusted for health organization clinic, sex, age, education, and marital status
  4. cRestricted to the subset of respondents categorized as having persistent status (food insecure, food secure) before and during the pandemic