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Table 1 Representative Interview Questions

From: Menstruating while homeless: navigating access to products, spaces, and services



Thinking about your more recent periods, tell me about your experiences with them since coming to LTHC/when experiencing homelessness?

How would you describe your current periods? (Flow, number of days, any pain or discomfort) And how do you feel about it? (normal, expected, not normal, unsure)

What do you typically use when on your period? Where do you get these items? How easy is it to get what you need? What are those experiences like getting these things? Do you like using the products you use or is there something else you would prefer?

How many tampons/pads/other period products do you need on your period? Do you have access to how much you need?

Where do you go when needing to change your menstrual product or bathe during your period? How would you describe these places (e.g. safe, clean, private)?

What has helped you deal with your period while experiencing homelessness (e.g. open facilities, products, programs, organizations, people)?

What has made it more challenging? Can you explain why and how you have dealt with these challenges?

What do you most need to manage your periods right now? (e.g., products, services, facilities, etcetera)

I would like to ask you a bit about COVID-19. How has COVID-19 impacted you?

There has been a local and national ban on evictions since the start of COVID-19, how has this impacted you? Has in changed your access to housing?

How has COVID affected how you deal with your period? Made it easier? Made it harder?

In the last 18 months, have you noticed any changes on your period? (increased or decreased flow, pain, discomfort) If you received the COVID-19 vaccine did you notice any differences in your period?

Have you had to use different things for your period since the start of the pandemic? If yes, what and why was that?

We’ve discussed where you go when needing to change your menstrual product or bathe during your period– how has this changed during the pandemic?

What has made your period more challenging? Why is that? And how you have dealt with these challenges?

What has helped you deal with your period during the pandemic (e.g. open facilities, products, programs, organizations, people)?

What spaces are available in your organization for menstruators to use to manage their menstruation? Such as toilets, showers, sinks, etc.

How would you describe the condition of these spaces?

Where else do you think people experiencing homeless go to manage their menstruation? Hygiene? Access menstrual products?

Thinking about menstruation among people experiencing homelessness, from your perspective, what is that experience like for them?

Has anyone ever shared with you their experiences? What did you learn from those experiences?

What do you think are some of the challenges menstruators experiencing homelessness face when it comes to their menstrual health?

How do the challenges surrounding menstrual health affect other aspects of their health?

How do the challenges surrounding homelessness affect other aspects of their health?

Have you noticed or are you aware of any differences between newly vs. longer-term/chronic homeless individuals in terms of menstruation management?

Since the start of COVID-19, what challenges have you noticed about how people experiencing homelessness deal with menstruation and menstrual health?

How have available supplies or spaces to change menstrual products changed?

What have you/your organization done to address challenges?

What are the largest challenges this population has faced?

In what ways can service providers, like yourself, more effectively deal with the menstruation needs of people experiencing homelessness?

How can the city more effectively support your clients with this need? [e.g. supplies, public toilets, disposal]

What would you recommend to policymakers?

If a training program was built to educate service providers on this topic, how do you think this should be delivered (e.g., online, in person, individually, group)? Should this be required? What would be helpful to you and your colleagues?

Complete interview guides are available by request. Please email Andrea L. DeMaria at