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Table 3 Total, direct and indirect effects of mediating role of psychological distress

From: The impact of caregiver burden on quality of life in family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer: a moderated mediation analysis of the role of psychological distress and family resilience


Total effect

Direct effect

Indirect effect

CGB → PD → QoL

-0.556 [-0.661, -0.452]

-0.352 [-0.452, -0.253]

-0.204 [-0.292, -0.128]

CGB → Dep → QoL

-0.556 [-0.661, -0.452]

-0.386 [-0.488, -0.286]

-0.169 [-0.245, -0.106]

CGB → Anx → QoL

-0.556 [-0.661, -0.452]

-0.387 [-0.486, -0.287]

-0.170 [-0.253, -0.098]

  1. Control variables: caregivers’ sex and the presence of chronic diseases
  2. CGB Caregiver burden, PD Psychological distress, QoL QoL, Dep Depression, Anx Anxiety