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Table 1 Overview of themes and sub-themes, organised into two main organising concepts

From: Engaging underrepresented groups in community physical activity initiatives: a qualitative study of parkrun in the UK

Main organising concept

Main theme


Whatparkrun’s outreach work involves

Theme 1

What outreach activities have been done to date?

1a) Outreach is about having conversations about parkrun

1b) Three levels of outreach: on the ground, organisational and higher decision-making level

Theme 2

What does successful outreach look like?

2a) Indicators of success: statistics and stories

2c) Monitoring and reporting of progress: an ad hoc approach

Howparkrun’s outreach work is done

Theme 3

What approach to outreach is taken?

3a) Different ways of working: opportunistic and strategic

3b) A community-centred approach: Utilise existing connections, utilise existing assets and understand what the community needs

Theme 4

What challenges are experienced when doing outreach?

4a) Personal capacity challenges: other commitments and responsibilities

4b) parkrun capacity challenges: scope and reach

4c) Broader inequity and inequality challenges: outside of parkrun’s control