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Table 2 Observed compliance with individual protective measures

From: Changes in social mixing and attitudes and practices to precautionary measures in a maturing COVID-19 pandemic in six communities in Sudan: a qualitative study


Adherence to COVID-19 prevention behaviors

Health Facilities

- Five sites included an observation session of a health centre in the neighbourhood.

- Social distancing and individual protective measures such as mask-wearing and refraining from physical greetings were rarely implemented.

- Persons wearing masks tend to remove them once they leave the health facility.

- Most health professionals did not wear face masks or protective equipment or observe physical distancing.


- Three sites included an observation session in a local pharmacy.

- Physical distancing between customers was rarely observed.

- Wearing of face coverings and avoidance of physical contact were rare among costumers

- Mask-wearing was fairly common among pharmacists.

Places of worship

- All six sites included observation in a local mosque.

- Few worshipers wore face masks, and few brought their prayer mats.

- In all mosques, worshipers did not observe physical distancing during prayers and stood in lines shoulder to shoulder.

- The majority of worshipers did not abstain from physical greetings.

Public Transportation

- All six sites included observation during a public bus trip.

- Very few passengers wore face masks, whereas none of the drivers wore face masks.

- No physical greetings were observed.

- Physical distancing was not observed in all sites, with some passengers sharing seats.

- In two of the sites, the bus station was overcrowded

Public markets

- All six sites included an observation session of a local public market.

- Physical distancing between customers was rarely observed.

- Wearing face coverings was rare (most wearers were women who covered their face using their traditional dress ‘toub’, and a few wore medical face masks).

- Avoidance of physical contact was rare among customers and vendors.

- Markets were crowded.


- All six sites included an observation session of a local bakery.

- There were long queues of customers for hours.

- Physical distancing was not observed in all sites, and it was rare to find customers wearing a mask or using hand sanitizer.

- No avoidance of physical greetings.