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Table 1 Overview of the Thematic Analysis (TA) process informed by Braun & Clarke [27,28,29]

From: An exploration of the experiences and self-generated strategies used when navigating everyday life with Long Covid

Reflexive TA phase

How was the phase actioned?

Why was it actioned in this way?

1. Transcripts were read and re-read by authors

Transcripts were uploaded to Nvivo Windows (Release 1) and read independently by each author for familiarisation

Authors were encouraged to be reflexive through critically self-evaluating their reasoning, positionality, and influence on the interpretation of research (e.g., “what about me is influencing my interpretation?”)

2. Authors coded eight transcripts

Codes consistent with the study aims were constructed within NVivo in a pluralistic fashion. Two forms of coding were used relating to the narrative structure of the Long Covid stories and the “whats” of the story content. Narrative structure codes were considered those important to a story’s plot line (e.g., timing of Covid-19 infection/realisation of long Covid), and content codes embodied the essence of an experience/strategy [31]

Codes were discussed between authors until consensus reached. New codes were crafted where appropriate. Codes were used as a loose guide for further inductive and deductive coding

3. Authors independently clustered codes to develop interpretive themes

Themes were independently developed from initial codes through a fluid process which included re-reading transcripts. Themes were discussed and shared amongst other authors who acted as ‘critical friends’ using Google Jamboard, an online whiteboard platform. Through a collective back and forth, an agreed upon set of initial themes were crafted

4. Themes developed and refined

Authors independently returned to the transcripts to establish if the collective themes and interpretations of the data were represented within the raw data. Collectively, authors discussed their interpretations of the themes and the complexities to refine further

5. Interpretations obtained from people with Long Covid

Reflections from five patient co-authors with Long Covid were sought to explore the trustworthiness in authors’ interpretations, and to provide further richness and depth to understanding. Following this, themes were refined, and shared with the group for further reflection

6. Results section write-up

Themes continued to be shaped during the write up of the results. Patient co-authors with Long Covid were involved in the write up of the results section