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Table 2 Estimates from random intercept ordinal regressions with the introduction of new technologies and the evaluation of implementation as predictors and pain complaints after eight months as outcomes

From: Is new tech a pain in the neck? The impact of introducing new technologies in home-care on neck pain: a prospective study


Model 1

Model 2


OR [95% CI]

OR [95% CI]

Introduction of new technologies




Not sure

0.87 [0.51, 1.50]

0.82 [0.47, 1.43]


0.91 [0.65, 1.28]

0.83 [0.58, 1.19]

Quality of training

Very poor



Rather poor

0.35 [0.17, 0.70]

0.37 [0.18, 0.75]

Neither poor nor good

0.39 [0.21, 0.73]

0.44 [0.23, 0.84]

Not sure

0.42 [0.21, 0.86]

0.51 [0.24, 1.08]

Rather good

0.34 [0.18, 0.61]

0.39 [0.21, 0.73]

Very good

0.29 [0.15, 0.58]

0.33 [0.16, 0.67]

  1. Note: OR: Odds ratio, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval
  2. Model 1 was adjusted for the level of outcome at baseline, gender, age, level of education
  3. Model 2 was adjusted for the level of outcome at baseline, gender, age, level of education, and psychosocial work factors (quantitative job demands and control over decisions)
  4. Statistically significant estimates given in bold