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Table 1 Questions used in photovoice workshop 2

From: Using photovoice to generate solutions to improve food security among families living in remote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia

SHOWeD question [45]

Adapted question used in workshop 2

Additional prompts/examples

What do you See here?

What is really Happening here?

What story do you think this photo is telling?


How does this relate to Our lives?

How does this [this situation/story about…] affect your family or your community?


What are your memories about this?

e.g., what are your memories of collecting traditional foods with your family?

Why does this problem or strength exist?

Why does this situation, concern, or strength exist?

Can be reworded e.g., why does this happen, why do you think this happens e.g., why do you think people run out of food? If relevant could also ask ‘why does this happen for some people but not for other people?’

What can we Do about this?

What can we do about it? How should this problem be solved?

How could this problem be solved by community, by us, by government?


Further probing questions may be used to get more detail about any answer

Questions asked in workshop 3

• Is there anything missing from this story? (ask this after each category)

• Are any of YOUR photos under the wrong heading?

• Is there anything we’ve misunderstood?

• If any one or two of these could get more attention from the others, which would it be, which is the most important for your community?

• Ask for permission to use photographs publicly, if appropriate– refer to consent forms.