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Table 3 Absolute QALYs and incremental QALYs versus simulated natural history in the SPHR and HC models

From: Cross-model validation of public health microsimulation models; comparing two models on estimated effects of a weight management intervention


Absolute QALYs


Incremental QALYs compared to simulated natural history

Incremental QALYs compared to simulated natural history (days)


SPHR Model

Health Checks Model*

SPHR model

Health Checks Model*

SPHR model

Health Checks Model*

Simulated natural history

11.3675 [10.5124, 12.1586]

13.1084 [12.7644, 13.4805]


Brief intervention

11.3694 [10.5161, 12.1584]

13.1154 [12.7644, 13.4808]

0.0019 [-0.0499, 0.0416]

0.0078 [0.0039, 0.0125]

0.7 [-18.2, 4.6]

2.8 [1.4, 4.4]

12-week intervention

11.3923 [10.5479, 12.1737]

13.1157 [12.7647, 13.4809]

0.0248 [-0.0024, 0.0599]

0.0079 [0.0043, 0.0126]

9.1 [-0.9, 21.9]

2.9 [1.6, 4.6]

52-week intervention

11.3973 [10.5663, 12.1715]

13.1160 [12.7656, 13.4845]

0.0298 [-0.002, 0.0688]

0.0085 [0.0048, 0.0129]

10.9 [-0.1, 25.1]

3.1 [1.8, 4.7]

  1. QALY– Quality Adjusted Life Year, SPHR– School for Public Health
  2. *With standardisation steps applied