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Table 3 Psychosocial autopsy sample

From: Sociodemographic and psychosocial risk factors of railway suicide: a mixed-methods study combining data of all suicide decedents in the Netherlands with data from a psychosocial autopsy study


Respondents (n = 56)

Participants (interviews)


 Interview with partners


 Interview with parents


 Interview with children


 Interview with peers, siblings


 Interview with other informants

(E.g., healthcare professional)



Cases (n = 39)a, b

Sex, n (%)



30 (77%)


9 (23%)

Age, mean (SD)

36.4 (15.7)

 Aged < 30, n (%)

16 (41%)

 Aged 30≥, n (%)

23 (59%)

Ethnicity, n (%)


 Native Dutch

33 (85%)

 Migration background

6 (15%)

Region of the suicide, n (%)



23 (59%)


16 (41%)

  1. a. Due to rounding off, percentages may not add up to exactly 100%
  2. b. Categories with less than five observations were merged