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Table 3 Effect of type and frequency of prenatal fish intake and prenatal mercury exposure on allergic disease in six-month-old infants in single model

From: Infantile allergic diseases: a cohort study prenatal fish intake and mercury exposure context

Mother’s Fish intake During pregnancy

Infants Allergic diseases Unadjusted OR (95% C.I.)

Infants Allergic diseases Adjusted† OR (95% C.I.)

Frequency ≥ 1 (times/week)


Total Fish¶

0.84 (0.60,1.19)

0.78 (0.53,1.14)

White fish¶

0.54 (0.31,0.91)*

0.53 (0.30,0.94)*

Blue fish¶

0.71 (0.40,1.27)

0.73 (0.39,1.36)

Shell fish¶

0.93 (0.46,1.88)

0.77 (0.34,1.73)

Prenatal mercury concentration


Early Pregnancy★

1.33 (0.91,1.94)

1.55 (0.95,2.54)

Late Pregnancy★

0.96 (0.70,1.32)

1.05 (0.71,1.55)

Cord Blood★

0.96 (0.67,1.36)

1.21 (0.72,1.75)

  1. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) estimated using logistic regression model
  2. †Adjusted for mother’s age, education, parity, pre-pregnancy BMI, parental allergy history, gender of the child, secondhand-smoke exposure, colostrum and breastfeeding
  3. *p-value < 0.05; ¶ Single model for fish intake without mercury concentration in one model; ★ Single model for prenatal mercury concentration without fish intake in one model