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Table 1 Components used to estimate the key population statistics: usually resident population; Estimated resident Population (ERP) and Projected Resident Population (PRP), produced by stats NZ

From: Selective under-representation of Pacific peoples in population estimates for health indicator measurements in Aotearoa New Zealand misinforms policy making


Census Usually Resident Populationa

Estimated Resident Population (ERP)

Projected Resident Population (PRP)b

Counted by Census

Residents of that area in the area on census night

Residents of that area in the area on census night

Residents of that area in the area on census night

Residents of that area elsewhere in NZ on census night

Residents of that area elsewhere in NZ on census night

Residents of that area elsewhere in NZ on census night

Estimated from Post-enumeration Survey (PES)


Residents missed by census (net census undercount)

Residents missed by census (net census undercount)

Estimated from administrative data

Census 2018: Residents missing in census response but active in tax, health, education, and ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) in the past 2 years.

Residents temporarily overseas on census night

Residents temporarily overseas on census night

Births, deaths, and net migration since census night

Assumptions about future birth rates, death rates and net migration

  1. Source: Tatauranga Aotearoa Stats NZ: Population Statistics – user guide.
  2. aBecause of the low response rate of Census 2018, residents who had not responded but had been active in one of these administrative data in the previous 2 years, were added to the Census 2018 enumerations
  3. bThese national projections are published annually by StatsNZ