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Table 1 Semi-instructured interview guideline

From: Risks and protection: a qualitative study on the factors for internet addiction among elderly residents in Southwest China communities

The interview questions

1. When and how were you first introduced to the internet? What are your preferred devices and online activities you engage in regularly and why?

2. What are the typical circumstances under which you use the internet? (For instance, context, time of day, and specific needs)

3. In your view, what role does the internet play in your life and how important is it?

4. What issues do you encounter when using the internet, or do you have any adverse online habits/annoyances/negative impacts? Please detail the process.

6. Do you perceive yourself to show any signs of IA? If so, please elaborate on the reasons, manifestations, and characteristics thereof. If not, please explain why.

7. How do you perceive the issue of IA among the elderly?