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Table 1 Descritpives of participant demographics (n (%)), and device-derived metrics (mean(SD))

From: Unravelling upright events: a descriptive epidemiology of the behavioural composition and temporal distribution of upright events in participants from the 1970 British Cohort Study


Men (n = 1897)

Women (n = 2068)

Highest qualification


523 (56.3%)

406 (43.7%)


571 (46.4%)

660 (53.6%)


252 (40.1%)

377 (59.9%)


551 (46.9%)

625 (53.1%)



1701 (49.0%)

1771 (51.0%)

 Some extent

151 (38.9%)

237 (61.1%)

 Severely hampered

44 (42.7%)

59 (57.3%)

Self-rated health


353 (43.4%)

461 (56.6%)

 Very good

743 (47.6%)

817 (52.4%)


557 (50.6%)

543 (49.4%)


211 (51.2%)

201 (48.8%)


33 (41.8%)

46 (58.2%)

NS-SEC group


1049 (52.6%)

947 (47.4%)


564 (46.7%)

643 (53.3%)


235 (43.5%)

305 (56.5%)


 Normal (18.5 < 25)

428 (34.8%)

801 (65.2%)

 Overweight (25 < 35)

862 (56.8%)

656 (43.2%)

 Obese (30 < 35)

540 (52.3%)

493 (47.7%)

 Morbidly obese (≥ 35)

27 (25.2%)

80 (74.8%)

 Underweight (< 18.5)

40 (51.3%)

38 (48.7%)

Occupational activity


1029 (47.0%)

1159 (53.0%)


190 (30.3%)

437 (69.7%)

 Physical work

510 (52.8%)

455 (47.2%)

 Heavy manual

168 (90.8%)

17 (9.2%)

Smoking habits


954 (58.6%)

1082 (41.4%)

 Past smoker

612 (47.6%)

673 (52.4%)

 Occasional smoker

93 (51.4%)

88 (48.6%)

 Daily smoker

238 (51.4%)

225 (48.6%)

Device-derived metrics

Men (n = 2077)

Women (n = 2387)

Summary metrics

 Upright events (n)

50.8 (15.5)

54.7 (14.8)

 Stepping events (n)

194.7 (72.6)

201.7 (66.8)

 Upright duration (h)

6.3 (1.9)

6.6 (1.9)

 Standing duration (h)

4.3 (1.5)

4.6 (1.5)

 Stepping duration (h)

2.0 (0.7)

2.0 (0.7)

Pattern metrics

 Upright event burstiness (Bn)

0.28 (0.10)

0.31 (0.08)

 Sedentary event burstiness (Bn)

0.28 (0.09)

0.27 (0.08)

Stepping metrics

 Step count (steps)

9451 (3670)

9334 (3483)

 Step-weighted cadence (steps/min)

88.8 (9.2)

90.1 (8.4)

 Stepping event duration (s)

32.5 (9.2)

29.7 (7.5)

 Step count per stepping event (steps)

46.1 (17.8)

42.4 (14.4)

Composition metrics

 Upright event duration (min)

8.0 (3.7)

7.7 (3.8)

 Stepping proportion (%)

35.8 (6.4)

35.5 (5.9)

 Stepping events per upright event (n)

9.1 (4.1)

8.9 (3.6)

 Step count per upright event (n)

198.8 (97.5)

179.6 (79.4)

  1. n Number/count, h Hour, min Minute, s Seconds