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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the participants (n = 1023)

From: Trajectories of anxiety and depression among Chinese men who have sex with men on pre-exposure prophylaxis: a group-based trajectory model approach


n (%)

Age, median (IQR), years

33 (29–40)

Age, years


336 (32.8)


611 (59.7)

  > 50

76 (7.4)

Educational level

 High school or less

192 (18.8)

 College and greater

831 (81.2)

Monthly income, US$

  < 619

336 (32.8)

  ≥ 619

687 (67.2)

Psychological gender identity


998 (97.6)


25 (2.4)

Marital status


558 (54.5)


439 (42.9)

 Separated, divorced, or widowed

26 (2.5)

Sexual role with men


287 (28.1)


281 (27.5)


448 (43.8)


7 (0.7)

No. of anal sex partners in the past three months

  < 2

181 (17.7)

  ≥ 2

842 (82.3)

Episodes of CAI in the past three months

795 (77.7)

HIV knowledge

728 (71.2)

Baseline syphilis positivity

102 (10.0)

  1. Abbreviations: IQR interquartile range, CAI condomless anal intercourse