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Table 4 Results of content analysis of participants’ daily weight loss summaries

From: Why more successful? An analysis of participants’ self-monitoring data in an online weight loss intervention

Category (%)





Weight loss awareness (28.10%)

Risk situations


Risky situations where overeating behavior or excessive caloric intake is likely to occur.

“ Dinners are a stumbling block on the road to weight loss”; “You can’t be too hungry, it’s easy to bounce back”



Encourage themselves and stick to losing weight.

“Keep going, keep going!”; “For a healthier self. Come on!”



Factors that are not beneficial to weight loss

“Staying up late is truly detrimental to weight loss”; “It’s so hard to do exercise during menstruation (emoji: cry)”

Keeping awareness


Being aware of one’s body

“Stay aware at all times”; “Ask myself if I’m hungry before I eat, and if I’m not, I don’t eat”

Follow-up plan


Participants’ follow-up plans for their weight loss practice

“Continue to work hard on weight loss tomorrow… Go! Go! Go!“; “Eat less high-caloric food next week”

Keeping patient


Keep more patience in the weight loss process, accept oneself, and stick to good habits.

“Losing weight is a constant battle.“; “Make it a routine”

Eating behavior (22.55%)

Restrictive diet


Participants reduce eating behavior and caloric intake

“I didn’t have dinner today”; “I only had red bean porridge this evening”



Participants exhibited overeating behavior or excessive caloric intake.

“I ate too much for dinner again… “; “Today’s calorie intake is bursting”

Inhibit failure


Failed in the hope of not eating or eating less high-caloric foods

“I drank tea with milk today, ate high-caloric food, did not control my mouth”; “Always have various reasons to eat and drink”

Irregular diet


Not eating at the proper time

“I didn’t eat dinner when I was busy at work”; “My diet is very irregular these two days”

Mindful eating


Focusing on the eating process and experiencing the process of food entering the body

“Today I am continuing to try mindful eating”; “It feels good to concentrate on tasting food”

Intuitive eating


Not limiting the amount of food intake and stopping when feeling full

“I can eat whenever I want, as long as I don’t eat too much”; “It feels good to be full”

Physical activity


Exercise amount


The participants’ exercise implementation.

“I worked late tonight and didn’t do any exercise”; “I went out today and did a lot of exercises”

Type of exercise


Participants took different ways to exercise such as walking, aerobics, running, and swimming.

“Went out for a 9-kilometer walk after dinner”; “Insisted on walking for half an hour and jogging for half an hour “

Exercise Philosophy


Perceptions of the relationship between exercise and weight loss.

“You can’t stop exercising; life is exercise”

Perception of change


Healthy eating


Participants eat healthier, pay attention to food calories, and have increased inhibition of high-caloric foods.

“I didn’t eat any snacks today, which is great, I’ve learned to control it”; “I feel like I’ve found the balance of diet adjustment”

Body feeling-negative


Participants felt unwell, had a change in appetite, and did not sleep well.

“Very tired, and feel that my body cannot hold on”; “Last night did not sleep well again”

Body feeling-positive


Participants felt good about the weight loss.

“I’m starting to get used to the rhythm now, and it feels good to sweat profusely”; “It feels good to have an empty stomach”

Weight concerns


The participants are concerned about changes in their weight and experience weight loss or regain.

“This morning, I lost a little bit of weight again. Every day’s weight loss is a confirmation of my efforts”; “I’m sure I’m gaining weight, which is depressing”

Emotional change


Participants experience negative emotions such as anxiety and depression and try to adjust.

“Just not in a good mood today”; “Have negative emotions but adjusted well”

  1. Note. The percentage of a category is the ratio of the frequency of that category to the total number of meaning units included in the analysis (N = 847)