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Table 4 The types of health information-seeking behaviour

From: Characteristics and associated factors of health information-seeking behaviour among patients with inflammatory bowel disease in the digital era: a scoping review




Passive attention

"When I first found out about Crohn's disease, I seen the commercial on TV, and it was talking about the symptoms as far as having it. I'm like, dang, I go through the same thing. " [56]

[38, 40, 56, 79, 86]

Passive search

"Information can be obtained through regular behaviours such as reading newspapers or magazines." [17]

[17, 35, 63, 71, 83, 86, 88]

Active search

"On the stoma sites, a lot of people do Vlogs, so I’ve watched them before. There’s some good ones that are helpful. " [47]

[16,17,18, 38, 40, 42,43,44, 47, 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58, 60, 62,63,64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 75, 78, 81,82,83,84,85,86, 88]

Ongoing search

"I am on Facebook daily, so every now and then I see an article about IBD that catches my eyes, I’ll click on it and read it" [62]

[17, 38, 40, 42, 44, 50, 54, 56, 59, 62, 68, 71, 78, 81, 85]

Avoid seeking

"I had joined some patient groups before, and I was so shocked by the information in them that now I just don't want to know, I reject all of them." [38]

[38, 51, 70, 75, 82]