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Table 2 Crude and adjusted OR/HR for living status

From: Association between living alone and all-cause mortality of young and middle-aged patients with acute myocardial infarction: analysis of the China Acute Myocardial Infarction (CAMI) registry


Total  (n = 8307)

Live alone  (n = 192)

Not living alone  (n = 8115)

Unadjusted OR/HR (95% CI)

P Value

Adjusted OR/HR (95% CI)a

P Value

In hospital mortality

116/8307 (1.4%)

2/192 (1.0%)

114/8115 (1.4%)

0.739 (0.181,3.013)


0.535 (0.070,4.060)


2-year all-cause mortality

309/8008 (3.9%)

13/181 (7.2%)

296/7827 (3.8%)

1.878 (1.078,3.272)


2.171 (1.210,3.895)



559/8306 (6.7%)

23/192 (12.0%)

536/8114 (6.6%)

1.918 (1.251,2.939)


2.169 (1.395,3.370)


  1. aMultilevel logistic regression model adjusted for demography variables (age, sex, and type of AMI), socioeconomic variables (medical insurance, education level), cardiovascular risk factors (body mass index, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and prior myocardial infarction). Multilevel Cox regression model adjusted for demography variables (age, sex, and type of AMI), socioeconomic variables (medical insurance, education level), cardiovascular risk factors (body mass index, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and prior myocardial infarction), reperfusion therapy (timely reperfusion, untimely reperfusion, and no reperfusion), and medical therapy at discharge (DAPT at discharge, ACEI/ARB at discharge, β-Blockers at discharge, and statins at discharge)
  2. Missing qualitative variables were imputed by the highest frequency count, and missing quantitative variables were imputed by the mean value
  3. CI Confidential interval, MACCEs Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events, OR Odd ratio, HR Hazard ratio