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Table 4 Identified needs for reducing the risk of post-discharge suicide

From: Preventing post-discharge suicides in psychiatric patients: insights from patients, lay healthcare supporters, and mental health professionals—a qualitative analysis



Codes (n)


Proactive self-management

Proactive integration

Proactively generate value (2)

"External inevitability is beyond our power to change. I can only make internal changes, … offering help and actively listening to others. Assisting others can cultivate a sense of warmth and connection between people (Patient 1)."

“…getting together with friends is useless (patients 13).”

Proactively participate in the group (5)

" I plan to join the neighborhood dance team, who have treated me with the love and care of sisters… (Patient 9).

Proactive adjustment

Proactively adjust cognition (2)

My cognition needs to be adjusted. What I need to overcome is myself. A change in attitude, an acceptance of things, and a correct outlook on life is the best way to reduce the risk of relapse (Patient 1).”

Proactively regulate emotions (3)

" I read a book about emotion self-help and emotion balance method… I learned to sit still and breathe deeply for 20 min to regulate my mood (patient 14)."

Proactive help-seeking

Proactively seek professional intervention (9)

"I first called the emergency department and they advised me to go to the nearest hospital and I went and got a diazepam shot (patient 4)."

Proactively seek help from LHSs (5)

"When I have suicidal thoughts, I ask LHS to stay with me the whole day (Patient 9)."

Multifunctional relatives

Tangible support

Obtaining disease-related knowledge for family-based interventions (4)

"Training or books about intervention knowledge as well as psychotherapy should be given to the patient's parents and spouse. Let them know about it and do family therapy together. Then they will be like a doctor in family, and treat the patient in case of an emergency (Patient 2)."

Assist patients in accessing medical resources in emergency (6)

"As family members, we should focus on his behavior and send him to the hospital immediately if we perceive his suicidal behavior, so that further serious situations will not arise (LHS 1)."

Emotional support

Companionship, listening, understanding, support and encouragement (8)

"Understanding, companionship, and support is important. If the family think that the patient is a burden to them, it will be more traumatic for the patient, who would see less hope in their life (Patient 1)."

Multifunctional MP group

Direct professional support

Medication (15)

"Medicine has helped me a lot on my condition, and I have learned that there are many kinds of medications for this disease, I hope to find the most suitable medication for myself soon (Patient 1)."

Psychotherapy (6)

"Many people commit suicide never because they truly desire it, but rather as a means of having their concerns heard and addressed. MP group need to help patients confront the root and purpose of their suicidal ideation (Patient 8)."

Treatment outcome monitoring and adjustment (5)

"Follow up regularly to observe medication intake and mental status. And there should be a feedback mechanism (MP group 2)."

Indirect professional support

Health education on mental illness-related knowledge (13)

"…tell me to take medication on time, and how to deal with the disease. Give a lecture to my family about what the disease actually is and issues that the family needs to pay attention to after discharge (Patient 5).”

Convenient services (15)

"… timely medication reminders, schedule regular follow-up appointments, preferential benefits, and policy support (MP group 1)."

Emotional support

Companionship, listening, understanding, support and encouragement (4)

"My follow-up provider can ask about my income or my future career plans and give me a reference (like my friend) (Patient 6)."

A warm society

Emotional support from society and the public

Emotional support from hospital environment (5)

"The hospital is staffed with doctors and nurses; I feel secure and protected in this small boat (Patient 9)."

Emotional support from work environment (4)

"I appreciate that my boss knows about my condition and he treats me with kindness (Patient 3)."

Emotional support from community environment (3)

"He needs more care, more acceptance and understanding from the community (LHS 5)."

Instrumental support from society

Financial help (3)

"The government should issue a policy to provide free medication, which can help patients to take medication steadily and reduce their financial and psychological pressure (LHS 5)."

Employment opportunities (5)

"A stable job gives them a security of survival, or at least a way to support themselves, which reduces their stress (LHS 5)