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Table 1 Overview of the scoring criteria that were applicable or not applicable in the C-NEMS-S tool used in this audit

From: Assessing food availability and healthier options in an urban Chinese university: a case study using the Chinese Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey for Stores (C-NEMS-S)

Outlet scoring criteria

Original scores available for each outlet

Actual scores available for each outlet

Dietary Oils

0 to 6

Criteria Removed


0 to 5

Criteria Removed


0 to 5

Criteria Removed

Instant Noodles

0 to 5

Criteria Removed


0 to 18

Criteria Removed


0 to 48

0 to 19


-14 to 26

-2 to 4


0 to 9

0 to 9

Total Score Range

-14 to 83

-2 to 32

  1. aUnlike the original C-NEMS-S, we assigned a universal quality score of 3 by default for applicable food categories served at each outlet