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Table 1 Matrix showing the relationship between trust in each specific entity and the five measures related to vaccine hesitancy, as quantified by the Eta Correlation Ratio. A post-hoc examination of the net change in means across the trust categories was conducted for each variable pair, with relationships classified as either 'Increasing' or 'Decreasing', based on whether the mean of the predictor variable was higher for the last category of the trust variable than for the first. This allowed us to ascertain the direction of the effect which was Negative for all 75 pairs

From: Institutional trust is a distinct construct related to vaccine hesitancy and refusal


COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns

General Vaccine Hesitancy

COVID-19 Conspiracy Thinking

COVID-19 Vaccination Status

Interpersonal Trust

 Trust family






 Trust Roommates






 Trust Friends






 Trust Classmates






 Trust co-workers






 Trust Acquaintances






Institutional Trust

 Trust police






 Trust local govt






 Trust Pharma






 Trust Fed govt






 Trust Media






 Trust doctors






 Trust Healthcare system






 Trust WHO






 Trust scientists




