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Table 2 Efficacy of digital health intervention modalities by outcome across all reviews

From: Do digital health interventions hold promise for stroke prevention and care in Black and Latinx populations in the United States? A scoping review




Phone-Based (Calls/Audio-only)

Mobile Applications

Health Devices



Virtual Reality

Clinical Outcome


[54, 58,59,60]

[47, 48, 54]


[47, 53, 56, 63,64,65]





 Fasting Blood Sugar






 Blood Pressure

[47, 58]






[53, 66] [55]




[49, 51, 58, 60]



[50, 63, 67]











 Identifying Atrial Fibrillation




Post-Stroke Outcomes

 Balance (e.g., Functional Reach, Berg Balance Scale)


[44, 77,78,79,80]


 Mobility/Activity (e.g., Timed Up & Go, Carrying, Walking)





[44, 78,79,80,81]


 Function (Joint, Muscle)









[42, 73]


 Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage


[42, 73]


 Onset to Door/Onset to Treatment




 Length of Hospital Stay














Behavioral Outcomes

 Medication Adherence



[43, 48, 53, 68]


[55, 68]

[63, 67]




[53, 60]




 Physical Activity

[53, 54, 58]







 Smoking Cessation

[61, 62]



  1. A solid circle indicates (1) a meta-analysis finds a significant effect in the experimental group or (2) the majority of individual studies find a significant benefit (> 50%) when a meta-analysis is not conducted. This indicates a strong case for potential benefits between the modality and the health outcome. A semi-solid circle indicates < 50% of the studies within a review find a significant effect. These findings would be inconclusive. A hollow circle indicates no studies found a significant effect or a meta-analysis was performed, and no effect was found. This would suggest no benefit by the modality upon the outcome
  2. If the meta-analysis aggregated by function (e.g., monitoring) or outcome (e.g., blood pressure) and not modality, then we did not report meta-analytic findings in this table
  3. Measures of anthropometry include BMI [49,50,51, 53, 63], body weight [49, 50, 58, 60, 64], and waist circumference [49, 64]