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Table 1 Discrete choice experiment attributes and levels

From: Will tobacco price increases lead more people who smoke to vape? The results from a discrete choice experiment amongst U.S. adults

Feature (Attribute)

Options (Levels)

1. What are you smoking






2. The place where you can smoke and the people who are around you





3. Kick or satisfaction from smoking

Very bad

Somewhat bad


Somewhat good

Very good

4. Cost of the smoking

No cost (free)

$ 0.25 per smoke

$ 0.50 per smoke

$ 1.50 per smoke

$ 5.00 per smoke

5. Addictiveness

Not at all addictive/able to quit at any time

Moderately addictive/would be somewhat difficult to quit

Highly addictive/would be very difficult to quit

6. The smell of smoke

Pleasant smell that quickly goes away

Odorless, no smell

Strong odor that lingers and stays on clothes


7. Long-term health risks

No or minimal long-term health risks

Some chance (20%) of serious illness in the future

Moderate chance (60%) of serious illness in the future

High chance (90%) of serious illness in the future