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Table 1 Data extraction strategy

From: How is ethnicity reported, described, and analysed in health research in the UK? A bibliographical review and focus group discussions with young refugees

Data Extraction Strategy



Data Source Type

Electronic health records, linked health data study, cross-sectional survey, longitudinal cohort, randomised controlled trials


How was ethnicity asked and reported? If self-reported, how many categories?

Self-reported, prescribed, based on medical records, other

We separated ethnicity reported in medical records from self-reported ethnicity given the known inconsistencies of how ethnicity is asked in medical settings [21]

How were missing, mixed, and other ethnic groups described?

Whether other, missing and mixed are reported or included in analysis


Was ethnicity aggregated in description or analysis?

Yes, No


If so, were justifications provided?

Yes (describe), No

Justification is defined very broadly

A simple one sentence explanation on why ethnicity is aggregated is sufficient to be classed as having provided a justification. We do not evaluate the quality of the justifications

How was ethnicity used in analysis?

Descriptor, predictor, other


Was ethnicity conceptualised or theorised to link with health outcomes?

Yes, No

Only applicable to papers using ethnicity as a predictor

Conceptualisation is defined very broadly. A simple one sentence description on how ethnicity is theorised to associate with health outcome is sufficient to be classed as having provided a theory