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Table 1 Calculations of the safe driving target for each month during the intervention period1

From: FEEDBACK trial - A randomised control trial to investigate the effect of personalised feedback and financial incentives on reducing the incidence of road crashes

Driving performance in the previous month

Safe-driving target for the current month

No trips

No more than one yellow, amber or red DrivePoint scores, or repeat of previous month’s safe-driving target, whichever is the most stringent.

Only dark green DrivePoint scores

Only dark green DrivePoint scores

Only dark green and light green DrivePoint scores

Only dark green DrivePoint scores

At least one yellow, but all other DrivePoint scores were light green or dark green

Only dark green and light green DrivePoint scores with no more than one light green

Any number of yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, at least one amber DrivePoint score, and no red DrivePoint scores

Only yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with no more than one yellow

Any number of amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with one red DrivePoint score

Only amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with no more than one amber

Any number of amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with two red DrivePoint scores

Any number of amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with only one red DrivePoint score

Any number of amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with at least three red DrivePoint scores

Any number of amber, yellow, light green and dark green DrivePoint scores, with no more than two red DrivePoint scores

  1. 1 Decision rules specified in Table 1 will be applied in each month of the intervention period subject to two constraints. First, the ‘safe-driving target’ for a given month could not be less stringent than the participant’s ‘safe-driving target’ in any prior month. Second, the floor for acceptable driving behaviour could only be specified in the first month of the intervention period to ensure that penalties were applied for high and persistent levels of unsafe driving. The application of these constraints and the effects of the incentive should result in a progressive lowering of the threshold over the 20-week intervention period to incentivise further improvements in driving behaviour