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Table 2 Recommendations to enhance future implementation of the role model component

From: A mixed-methods process evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of involving community and peer role models within a physical activity intervention for primary-school-aged girls (the CHARMING study)



Future recommendations

Prior to the programme starting

Recruitment of community role models

Local authority physical activity teams and publicly available information used to approach role models for involvement

Develop advertisements to recruit more widely (e.g., creating a job-like description and using social media to disseminate)

Within information packs add detail on school premises and equipment availability

Recruitment of peer role models

Secondary school teachers were provided with recruitment materials to give to the peer role models

The introduction of a standardised briefing session along with an information pack, would ensure all role models are briefed on the role aims and responsibilities. Consider the use of a training video

Identify community provision

Research team worked closely with local authority physical activity teams to identify community opportunities

Explore the role of peer role models or local authority teams for taking ownership over community activity mapping

Consider travel logistics

No information provided

Explore the option to include location and transport details of feeder primary schools within peer role model information packs

Meet and greet opportunity

Intervention materials encouraged peers to introduce themselves to the Year 5 girls at the start of the session

Provide an opportunity for the peer role models to meet the Year 5 girls ahead of the intervention starting

The information pack to contain greater detail on the “meet and greet role” emphasising key information for sharing with the Year 5 girls and approach to weekly introductions with community role models

During the programme

Session venue

Sessions took place on the primary school premises

Explore options for some sessions to take place on the secondary school premises. Including a meet and greet with the physical activity lead teacher at the Secondary school

Dynamic between community and peer role models

No information provided

Information pack to provide clear guidance on the differentiation of roles and how these can complement one another in practice

Concluding the sessions

Peer role models to share insights about physical activity at secondary school during question-and-answer opportunity

Explicit guidance to be added to the information pack on the types of information to share e.g. Physical Education lessons, after-school clubs, community clubs

Post programme completion

Programme recognition

Certificates for peer role models sent to secondary school

Use of a certificate ceremony to congratulate all girls on taking part in the programme, with recognition from both primary- and secondary schools