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Table 2 Exemplary items of the EPPM for diabetes

From: Effects of immediate and distant health consequences: different types of health warning messages on sweets affect the purchase probability




Perceived threat

Perceived severity

1. “I believe that diabetes is severe.”

2. “I believe that diabetes is serious.”

3. “I believe that diabetes is significant.”


Perceived susceptibility

1. “I am at risk of getting diabetes.”

2. “It is likely that I will contract diabetes.”

3. “It is possible that I will contract diabetes.”

Perceived efficacy


1. “I am able to forgo sweets to prevent getting diabetes.”

2. “Forgoing sweets is easy to do to prevent diabetes.”

3. “Forgoing sweets to prevent diabetes is convenient.”


Response efficacy

1. “Forgoing sweets works in preventing diabetes.”

2. “Forgoing sweets is effective in preventing diabetes.”

3. “If I forgo sweets, I am less likely to get diabetes.”