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Table 2 Top three research priorities selected for each survey question

From: Priorities for research to support local authority action on health and climate change: a study in England

Survey question

Top three research priorities identified in response to each question

Public engagement in local action

 Areas where more evidence is needed by your local authority on ways to engage the public in local action to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change

1. The public acceptability of local actions (e.g. low traffic neighbourhoods) (85%)

2. Public understandings of climate change and its impacts on people’s health (74%)

3. Best practice in engaging with local businesses (48%)

 Groups or communities where more evidence is needed on effective ways to engage the public in local level actions to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change on health

1. Different income groups (e.g. richer and poorer households) (65%)

2. Communities facing barriers to decent housing and local services (44%)

3. Communities from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds (41%)

Economic (cost) implications of local actions

 Areas where more evidence is needed to understand the economic (cost) implications of actions to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change

1. Evidence on the health and non-health-related costs and benefits of investing in climate change mitigation and adaptation activities (76%)

2. Information on the short, medium, and long-term budgetary implications of climate change mitigation and adaptation activities (69%)

3. Best practice evidence on policies to financially incentivise local businesses to adopt climate change mitigation and adaptation activities (48%)

 Specific sectors where more evidence is needed to understand the economic (cost) implications of actions to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change

1. Built environment, building design, healthy homes schemes (60%)

2. Healthier diets and sustainability of food supply (48%)

3. Active travel infrastructure and active lifestyles (38%)

 Groups or communities where more evidence is needed to understand the economic (cost) implications of actions to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change

1. Different income groups (e.g. richer and poorer households) (66%)

2. Communities facing barriers to decent housing and local services (50%)

3. All communities (45%)