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Table 5 Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for general obesity in 2015 across quartiles of dietary pattern scores

From: Association of dietary patterns with general and central obesity among Chinese adults: a longitudinal population-based study


Dietary pattern quartiles


Quartile 1

Quartile 2

Quartile 3

Quartile 4

p for trend

Traditional southern

 Model 1

1 (Ref)

0.69 (0.55, 0.87)**

0.52 (0.41, 0.67)***

0.51 (0.40, 0.65)***

< 0.001

 Model 2

1 (Ref)

0.68 (0.54, 0.86)**

0.53 (0.42, 0.68)***

0.51 (0.40, 0.65)***

< 0.001

 Model 3

1 (Ref)

0.68 (0.54, 0.87)**

0.53 (0.41, 0.68)***

0.50 (0.39, 0.65)***

< 0.001

 Model 4

1 (Ref)

0.69 (0.54, 0.88)**

0.52 (0.40, 0.67)***

0.50 (0.39, 0.65)***

< 0.001



 Model 1

1 (Ref)

1.10 (0.86, 1.41)

1.09 (0.85, 1.40)

1.17 (0.91, 1.50)


 Model 2

1 (Ref)

1.10 (0.86, 1.42)

1.10 (0.86, 1.42)

1.18 (0.92, 1.51)


 Model 3

1 (Ref)

1.12 (0.87, 1.44)

1.11 (0.86, 1.44)

1.26 (0.97, 1.64)


 Model 4

1 (Ref)

1.13 (0.87, 1.45)

1.11 (0.85, 1.44)

1.26 (0.96, 1.65)


Traditional northern


 Model 1

1 (Ref)

1.28 (0.98, 1.66)

1.45 (1.13, 1.87)**

1.59 (1.24, 2.05)***

< 0.001

 Model 2

1 (Ref)

1.26 (0.97, 1.64)

1.43 (1.11, 1.85)**

1.58 (1.23, 2.03)***


 Model 3

1 (Ref)

1.26 (0.97, 1.64)

1.42 (1.09, 1.84)**

1.57 (1.21, 2.04)**

< 0.001

 Model 4

1 (Ref)

1.29 (0.98, 1.69)

1.40 (1.07, 1.83)**

1.61 (1.23, 2.10)***

< 0.001

  1. Model 1: no adjustments, model 2: adjusted for age and gender, model 3: additionally adjusted for ethnicity, education level, marital status, work status, and residency based on model 2, model 4: additionally adjusted for physical activity, sleep duration, current smoking, alcohol consumption, and total energy intake per day based on model 3. Dietary patterns were identified at baseline in 2004. ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001