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Table 1 Data collected from individual participants

From: Protocol of a prospective community-based study about the onset and course of depression in a nationally representative cohort of adults in China: the China Depression Cohort Study-I



Collection method



Self-report questionnaire designed by researchers

Participants finish the questionnaire online while visiting a local community health clinic

1. Age: Age at the day of data collection

2. Gender: Biological sex registered on the ID card (male or female)

3. Ethnicity: Ethnicity registered on the ID card (Han, Miao and so forth)

4. Siblings: Twins, triplets or other siblings with the same parents

5. Marital status: Marriage status at the day of data collection, categorized as single, married, cohabiting with significant other, divorced, widowed, and other

6. Education level: The highest education level, categorized as primary school, middle school, high-school, university and above

7. Religion: Categorized as None, Buddhist, Christian, Islam, Catholicism and other

8. Health insurance: Type of health insurance

9. Income: Family income per year

10. Living status: Living situation such as “where do you live”, “how many roommates” and etc


Assessed by health workers

Participants evaluated at local health clinic

11. Height

12. Weight

13. Blood pressure

14. Heart rate

15. History of chronic disease: History of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic disease; specify current treatment (i.e., medications)

16. Chronic pain: Whether suffer from pain in the past or now, location and degree of pain, the influence of pain in daily life and etc


Collected by health workers in community

All participants provide samples at local health clinic and some participants go to regional hospital to have MRI scan

17. Blood samples: 15 ~ 20 ml venous blood obtained through venipuncture by certified nurses

18. Urine samples: 10 ~ 15 ml fresh urine collected by participants under supervision of researchers

19. Faeces samples: 1 g fresh faeces collected by participants under supervision of researchers

20. Hair samples: 20 hairs over 3 cm obtained by researchers

21. Brain MRI scan: MRI scan of whole brain will be performed after evaluation of psychological health. All high-risk participants are referred for a brain MRI scan at a regional hospital, and low-risk and moderate-risk participants are given the option of a referral for a brain MRI scan


Self-reported questionnaires, and scales completed by local physicians, and diagnostic assessments by participating psychiatrists

All participants come to the local clinic to complete the questionnaires online and are assessed by local clinicians and some participants are administered formal diagnostic examination by a participating psychiatrist

22. Personality traits: Big Five Inventory scale

23. Coping Style: Simplified Coping Style Scale

24. Loneliness: UCLA Loneliness Scale

25. Depression: PHQ-9 Depression Scale

26. Anxiety: GAD-7 Anxiety Scale

27. Social support: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support

28. Quality of life: Quality of Life scale

29. Sleep quality: Insomnia Severity Index

30. Evaluation performed by community clinicians and psychiatrists: Community clinicians will assess the psychological health and risks of depression after participants fill out the self-reported questionnaires. Participants classified as high-risk of depression will be assessed by a psychiatrist (using SCID to determine DSM-5 diagnoses) and undergo a brain MRI scan at a regional hospital (see above)


Standard questionnaires and self-report questionnaires, some of which are designed by project researchers

Participants come to local health clinic and complete the questionnaires online

31. Occupation: Occupation type, working intensity, job satisfaction

32. Lifestyle: Smoking, drinking, exercise, habit, pets and etc

33. Childhood exposures: Raised up by who, family background at childhood, abuse or bullying received as a child or adolescent and etc. Additionally, Child Trauma Questionnaire will be used

34. Utilization of mental health services: Knowledge and demand of mental health services, how many times do participants actually use this resource

35. Life events: Major events in life such as divorce, death of close relatives or friends, and etc. Additionally, Life Events Scale will be used

36. Childbearing history (for women): This variable is designed especially for women, including menstruation, pregnancy, miscarriage, and etc