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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria used to define cases of conditions of interest based on diagnoses, diagnosing notes, and treatment/prescribing notes recorded by MdM clinicians for consults in clinics across 20 refugee camps on mainland Greece, 2016–2017

From: Disease burden among refugees in camps on mainland Greece, 2016–2017: a retrospective cross-sectional study





Any diagnosed asthma or history of asthma

Unspecified breathing difficulty

Hepatitis B

Diagnosis notes indicating Hepatitis B



Diagnosis notes indicating herpes, genital and oral


Hypertension / high blood pressure

Diagnoses of high blood pressure or hypertension; blood pressure checks with prescribing notes for anti-hypertensives

Pregnant women;

Blood pressure checks without readings, additional notes, or anti-hypertensives

Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Unspecified diabetes with prescribed insulin without glucophage; IDDM or Type I Diabetes

Unspecified diabetes with no prescribing or diagnosing notes; unspecified diabetes with only glucophage prescribing notes

Lower-respiratory tract infections

Any diagnosed infection of the lower respiratory tract, including confirmed and suspected pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis

Non-communicable lower respiratory tract conditions

Musculoskeletal disorders and diseases

Any musculoskeletal consultation


Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Unspecified diabetes with prescribed glucophage; NIDDM or Type II Diabetes

Unspecified diabetes with no prescribing or diagnosing notes; unspecified diabetes with only insulin prescribing notes


Any diagnosed tonsilitis or scarlet fever

Unspecified sore throat


Diagnoses of confirmed or suspected tuberculosis

Negative Mantoux; Mantoux for school or employment without results

Upper-respiratory tract infections

Any diagnosed infection of the upper respiratory tract, including common cold, scarlet fever and tonsilitis/amigdalitis, communicable sore throat, sinusitis, communicable rhinitis

Non-communicable upper respiratory tract conditions