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Table 1 The five stages of Family Wellbeing Empowerment Programme (18)

From: Exposure to the Family Wellbeing program and associations with empowerment, health, family and cultural wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: a cross-sectional analysis

FWB stage


Stage 1: Human qualities

Introduction to core FWB concepts including human qualities, basic physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of life, exploring traditions and values, analytic tools for self-reflection and skills for self-care and providing counselling and support to others

Stage 2: The process of change

How change affects people, how it can be experienced as an opportunity to grow and develop by recognising and building on inner qualities and strengths, and the importance of framing difficulties as challenges for which there are always solutions rather than as problems

Stage 3: Changing the patterns

Applying FWB approach to issues of family violence and abuse and other social dysfunction

Stage 4: Opening the Heart

Reinforcing FWB messages of self-development, healing and healthy relationships

Stage 5: FWB facilitation

Practise-based training for FWB facilitation